The Misfortunate Case of the Matryoshka

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Destiny's pov

A person like me should be over the moon with happiness, I am not being ungrateful for the many merits yet my mind isn't quite at ease...

It was wrong of me not to tell anyone but... I received a threatening letter; One that specifically stated there would be consequences if I don't comply to their demands.

In a rather oddly rushed handwriting, the brown letter reeked of fresh ink. I'm assuming this is either Merna or Merlin's doing, as the content of their letter assured they'll hold their end of the deal and not hurt my mother or Afomia. They got every description right down to the last detail.

Every time I am faced with a mirror, I find myself at a close proximity to a sickly victorian child, the pale skin, the under eyes darkened. You name it, I got it

Sleep is a fantasy at this point. My sleep schedule consists of dozing off for 5 seconds and then waking up frantically; I've lost all sense of safety and serenity.

I don't know a thing about Merna these days but everyone is running around, doing their best for me. If I can't feel safe in my own home, a heavily guarded castle for the love of it, where the hell would I?

I admit, I wasn't paying any mind for my mom or Afomia.

They're enjoying their sugar rush of sweets and tea, I loved my mom's tea room though, it was the most calming of all settings here. Still, I am very much within reach to whoever is out to get me.

What was the point in looking like a princess when you feel like a caged bird? And that even the golden bars of this cage still couldn't protect me

My gaze dropped to my ruby bracelet, something I wouldn't have even dreamt of having and now it being my own family's heirloom.

Afomia and mom clicked tea cups and toasted to "let us eat cake"

Goodness Afomia, I scoffed

Absent in my own mind, I lost track of everything and everyone around me. That is until I was pulled into reality once again with a statement

"We'll have guests today, from Aragon"

Mom announced

I didn't feel how tightly I was grabbing the couch until Afomia's comment loosened my up

"Easy cowboy"

She asserted

"You don't think...?"

"Well you are bound to cross paths based on Astrid's predictions"

"You and this Astrid I swear!"

I hissed

My heart sank once again the minute Mom asked who Astrid was... thing is? I wasn't agitated enough to fight nor was I careless enough to ignore.

I got caught in the middle of my head and my heart. Deep down I wanted to believe Astrid, I wanted to believe Artemis & I weren't over yet. I wanted him to come here and take my pain away somehow.

At this crossroads, I find myself unable to look back or go forward. And I hated every minute of it.

Afomia grabbed me by the shoulders

"Ask your mom man, stop being a coward"

"Mom, who's coming?"

Reluctantly, I raised my voice to an audible level


Afomia physically attacked me into submission for a new dress, I admit for a moment there, I almost put my worries behind me.

Demetri showed up, he twirled me at his arrival and congratulated me once again.

We were in my mother's dressing room and I found myself standing on the wooden modeling pedestal

"And how might I serve Her Highness this fine afternoon?"

His eyebrow lifted questionably as he held on to his monocle

"I don't know ... anything of your taste"

I turned around to meet my rather pale reflection in the tall mirror

"I think orange would be rather marvelous for you princess, just like your mother" Demetri teared up "Apologies, these things make me emotional"

I got down from the pedestal to give him a hug

"You're the sweetest, Demetri"

Breaking away from the hug, he held me by the shoulders

"Alas enough of my drama, tears don't design dresses now, do they?"

He quickly made my dress and moved on to Afomia, who indeed had many inquiries.

"Afomia come on, let the man do his job"

I shot her a look

"No, because I need to understand, why he is insisting on those colors"

"But Lady Afomia, they are perfect for your skin tone, just look"

He held on to some colored fabric near her face and showed her the difference

I sighed

"I'm gonna go lay down in my room until the 2 of you are done"

Demetri held me by the wrist, rather quickly

"Princess, you can't! We need your opinion"

"Yea Des!"

Afomia agreed rather enthusiastically

"Fine. You know Demetri? You remind me of someone..."

"oh?" He wondered, looking up at her from his sleeve stuffed with pins and needles.

"Jim something... Tim something..?"

I sighed, sitting myself down on the white couch, this princess was completely submissive for the train wreck she was.

"Af, release the man already" I hinted

Afomia really overworked the poor fella, it was enjoyable to watch but probably not so much to endure.

When they finally reached a middle ground, Demetri said he'd have a servant take the dresses to my room. I gave him a thumbs-up and lay back on the couch.

"What do you think Des?"

"You look amazing, never this good" I winked

She squealed, jumping up and down

Afomia be living that project runway life

"I should go get ready, do something with my hair"

A sigh of exhaustion escaped me "Hey now we're talking"

Afomia clapped to encourage me

Was I acting the Grinch? I wondered

I went up to do my hair and ended up finding a new letter.

I kept the envelope, sealed in a special red wax stamp, closed. One night of peace, was it too much to ask?

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