The forsaken waltz 2.

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(A/N this is the chapter from the story description, I split it in half because it was too long.
Also if you hate Merna, you'll enjoy it)

Destiny's pov

I had saluted every important guest in this ball, my social battery drained and I was yet to adapt to being the centerpiece.

Artemis ushered my reluctant hand to the  dance floor where everyone made room for us, leaving us under everyone's microscopic gaze.

The air fell heavy with tension amidst the crowds as the melody of a waltz started playing, embracing every soul at court in the most welcoming manner. As the violin strings danced, dominating the melody struck by the rhythmic orchestra.
Everyone was trapped under the music's spell but that was simply not the case for me; I was somewhat detached, disoriented and entirely elsewhere.

Why? Why must I be under the judging eyes of other? Who does this benefit?!

"We face them together."
Artemis said, as if he were reading my mind

I glanced over at him as as he took my hand and the world got quiet, I couldn't hear my intrusive thoughts anymore and allowed myself to be taken away by the melody like everyone else.

Squeezing his hand distinctively much larger in proportion than mine, I finally gave in; I could hear the melody loud and clear & It did something to me I wasn't aware possible; I could feel. My heart had forgotten what it was like to beat with life.

It creeped into my ears, the soft sad rhythm of a forsaken waltz, it was beautiful ; I thought I'd been forgotten in the wheel of time and yet here waltzed the sad melody, it spoke to me in such tranquility I'd become aware of the tornados inhabiting my very being.

How was it possible for a conductorless orchestra to play the same strings as my saddened heart, one that's being forced into a loveless marriage?

We stood face to face directly under the golden chandelier and the black & white chess floors; it wasn't that way before.

Soon after, others have joined us on the dance floor; a thing I heavily preferred.

"You look beautiful, princess."
he whispered hot breaths across my ear canal as he guided me by the waist, snatching my attention completely.
He's always had a way with me, I hated him for it.

The flock of men and women sheathed with the finest of fabrics swirled around us with graceful movements as their heavy dresses vividly dragged behind them; leaving Artemis and I no escape, we were trapped amid them.

We were the last to engage with the dance, he held up his palm for me to rest mine against it, I looked up at his lined pearly white teeth, smiling in the face of my misfortune and finally took his hand; conversing  with the night ahead.

"Thats just the thing, isn't it? What every girl likes to hear."
I looked away grudgingly, dreading the day I attempted to change my fate.

"You are not every girl, Destiny."
His grip around my waste tightened, nuzzling his nose behind my ear, I was overtaken by his deep ocean scent.

Artrmis pulled us both in circles; leading me to this  dance

His deep blue eyes at last took mercy on me and graced me with a kind anticipating look;  the sort every girl wished to be looked at with.

My fingers caressed the silver plated shoulder epaulets he had on his maroon suit, with its tassel chain embellishment, Oh the thoughts I attempt to distract myself with.

Wait a damn minute...

"How come you're the first person here to call me Destiny?"
I asked, pulling away with an unmasked nuisance that ceased our movement altogether

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