It's me, I'm the fool

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Afomia's pov

I felt pretty accomplished today until he unconsciously found out my name, I don't know why this happens constantly; the sound of my name leaves people in awe.

Again, bored out of my mind. I'll try and find Destiny, and see what she's up to

I knocked on her door, but no one answered. I walked the hallway and asked a servant

"Excuse me, have you seen the princess?"

"She's with the handsome young man in the gardens"

My heart sank... I was so eager to tell her about today, but it seemed nothing about me was worth knowing anymore.

I ran outside, just to find Artemis hiding behind some plants

"Hey big guy" I punched Artemis's shoulder from behind

He flinched  "You startled me"

"But how do you like the nickname though?"

"Big guy?" he looks back at me, utterly confused

"It's cuffing season, and the girls be needing"


"Have you never heard of SZA?"


Again, even more puzzled

"Okay, it's time for you to be educated. And get out of there, your hide-and-seek skill is worse than that of a cute 3-year-old."

"I wasnt-" Artemis scoffed, surrendering and obliging in an instant

I took out my phone to play the song, that's not really a full song but boy I wish it were

Artemis put his entire focus into my song, which was hilarious, seeing his giant self bob his head along with it.

"I liked it"

"Good" I laughed

"Now, coming from someone whom you once had upside down midair in their living room-"

I paused "I'm concerned. What's with all the flinching? Is there something dangerous at court?"

Artemis scoffed "I do apologize for that incident, truly."

"Hmm, avoiding questions I see" I speculated in a high one

"Um, well..."

"What...? Tell me" I jumped up

Artemis released a sigh,


Surrendering to my demands, he lifted his black silky hair to reveal a scar that was hidden

"Oh my god! How did this happen?"

"This, my dear Afomia, is your best friend's doing"

"No... no way... how?"

"I'd rather not talk about it"

"But it's the reason for this uneasiness, isn't it?"

he nodded

Gazing into the distance, we both were visually annoyed at the peals of laughter Destiny and Asher were making, entangling her arm in his, it was making my head so light.

I couldn't watch this...

I sighed, and both Artemis and I folded our arms in disdain. The weather was perfect but the air felt heavy, the grass was green but everything seemed gray.

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