Dangerous liasons

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Destiny's pov

"A dream you say?"
Artemis grinned, looking down at me with a soft cynical smile.

"I'm sure we'll become great friends princess Dawn. I'm Merna by the way."
Reaching her hand out, no harm done, I'll even squeeze hand hard as a sign of courtesy.

"Why not? None of this is real anyways."
I denied

Merna pulled away from my grip, shaking off her reddened hand.

Never underestimate a redhead's wrath.

"I would have to disagree princess; we were destined to meet right here, right now."
Tightening his grip on my elbow, as if to hint at something.

Only, strangely I'd received a notion entirely apart! For the first time in this dream, I felt someone's touch; Artemis's!
I squeezed Merna's hand and felt nothing...

Nothing but pleasure, but still nothing physically

Is this one of those lucid dreams?
My heart dropped to my knees, I needed to make a run for it.

"I... should go. Mom's expecting me over tea..."
I fled the scene, as fast as my tight dress permitted.

What was that? Should I pinch myself?
I will.
*hard pinch*
Okay nothing at all...?
I'm dreaming surely. No doubt about it.

Inching my way towards my mother's tea room, I found her and Juno up and ready to leave.

"I'm afraid you're too late darling..."
Apologetically replied mom

"Where to now?"
I asked

"To the meeting room, Odora is about to make an appearance that we all must...endure so graciously."
Juno answered, rolling her eyes

It's nice to have her hate someone that isn't me for once,very heartwarming.

I carried my dress following them both to the meeting room on my toes.
At one point I began feeling my steps, my heels, the cold drift of December wind that caught my bare shoulders off guard, as it escaped through the french windows as the servants tended to court; ventilating the floor we're on.

Even in dreams, I had maniacal unsalvagable issues that I possessed no control over.

It creeped up on me; this sense of consciousness developing, reality was indulging itself into this dream, after being entombed in my memory for the longest.

"Here she comes."
Mom took in some air, holding her breath and wrapping her fingers together

"How lucky are we..."
Juno's eyes rolled in an immaculate speed

Okay real talk? Juno can be funny. But I was at the tip of my toes dying to see this Odora!

Pondering what she looked like, I perceived something of a witch in my mind, that is what Juno implied... Only to be humbled sooner than I anticipated; a spitting image of Juno except her hair was  curly, and her eyes emerald green like Reagan's.

Mom and I exchanged looks amongst ourselves, the irony of fate was unlike any other.

Odora arrogantly set foot inside the meeting room, flaunting her purple cape engulfed in sapphire crystal over her black dress.

Looking particularly bothered by the sight of Juno, she pursed her lips, looking away. An egotistical demeanor haunted her soft features

"Hello sister."
With a nose up in the sky, Odora turned from her crossing her arms

"You are no sister of mine..."
Juno folded her arms as well, making sure to pierce her sights with her.

"You've always been so cold to me, Juno."
She turned to her with a pouty expression

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