What killed the cat?

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Caelum's pov

Destiny and Artemis's harmony was unlike any other, I couldn't be happier for Artemis and can only hope Destiny agrees to marry him by the end of the night.

"They're rather lovely, don't you think?"
I asked Celeste who too concentrated from the very beginning of the dance


"I'm just saying they're lovely and harmonious together"

"Yeah they are indeed" She smiled, gazing into the dance floor

It didn't sit right with me, she wished she were the one dancing, not Destiny.
An angry sigh escaped me

"I'm gonna go get some air"

"Are you okay?" Her hand squeezed my shoulder as her attention and gaze finally shifted to me

"I'm fine."

Coldly & harshly, I struck a fake toothy smile because I wished for a break from losing to Artemis. For one night...

I flinched, shaking her hand off my shoulder, and headed towards the balcony. On my way out, A mob of princesses swarmed over Destiny and rained on her with questions, it was so difficult to leave in the midst of that but it was determined.

I wished she would tell me anything to fight my demons; I was left to think the worst, that she does not belong to me despite being on my arm, I wished she would soothe the storm of doubt swirling through my mind.

Celest's POV

Caelum stormed off outside, I knew what his deal was and decided to give him space to process. I thought if I kept insisting I no longer had feelings for Artemis, it would only seem like a lie.

I wasn't ready for our first fight, nor did I wish to admit we were having one thus I decided to distract myself.

While mingling with all the party guests, I thought I'd caught a glimpse of a familiar figure, with a very specific hair color... Glancing over my shoulder, there she was, dallying around in a figure-hugging navy blue dress with a lustrous sparkly glow that matched her short blue hair.

As usual, bumping into people rudely with her wide exposed shoulders she's always been so proud of.

Trying to be transparent and walking past them. Her backless dress revealed her snake birthmark going all the way from top to bottom, the sight of her made me sick to my stomach

I couldn't help but wonder why she was here. We didn't invite her, she's the solar system's outcast, In the literal sense, so how did she know about this?

She had done enough damage to my relationship with Artemis in the past and I couldn't let her get away with whatever she had in mind this time...

Cae was outside on the balcony getting some air, he probably wouldn't like the idea of me following Merna to catch her in an act of some kind, it would emphasize Caelum's point even more but I could only try to be quick.

I could tell Artemis but he was dancing with Destiny...

It was beyond me but I needed to do something. Merna evoked an unfamiliar sense of retribution in me; I was running on Adrenaline & felt the raging need to wreak havoc.

She went inside the silverware room, my eyes followed her long before my legs did, I made sure I was far enough for her not to notice me snooping. I tiptoed after her, my muscles were more tense with each step I took forward.

When I heard the door slam, I carefully pressed my ear to it

Merna:" Merlin oh Merlin... What am I going to do with you? It seems to me you have forgotten who helped you reach your position, Merlin."

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