Another Mother

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Juno's pov 

Artemis opened his eyes halfway and called out in a raspy voice "Mom?"

"Yes dear"

"I know I messed up on Earth... I am so sorry-"

Artemis's faint voice and weary state brought him his get out of jail ticket

"That's not important now, your well-being is all that matters, my child."

I went to lay beside Artemis, taking him into my embrace, I rested my chin on Artemis's head to silently tear up unnoticed

"Mom?" swiftly I wiped away my tears

"Yes, angel?"

"Can you do something for me?" "Anything"

"Can you arrange for Destiny to meet her parents?"

I nodded

"I will. Something else?"

"When you do that, lock me in my room and don't let me out, no matter how hard I beg, will you?"

His eyes glistened with tears he held back

"You have my word."

I held back my breath, biting down my tongue

Was I simply to come to terms with the status quo? My son was fading away all because of a filthy human and I could do nothing more than to respect his wishes of joining this girl with her family.

As Artemis's soulless body surrendered to sleep, these old worn-out eyes broke out into heavy tears, I owed my son a certain level of decent strength but I owed myself a getaway for a much-needed cry

How could the world's most powerful queen feel so incapacitated? 

I closed the door from outside, unable to support myself any longer, my body slid against Artemis's door.

Once I found myself outside, I wept uncontrollably.

I let myself go and it got slightly out of hand; I was wailing, banging against the floor, and screaming hysterically.

I never liked this wretched girl, she wasn't good enough for my Artemis. And she never will be.

I walked as far away from the door as possible, something within me wished to escape, and the fear of the inevitable crept into every corner of my mind.

 I didn't feel myself physically in the main hall, a repeated sound once distorted suddenly rose in volume, to the point of no return.

"Your Majesty" 

My assistant held my shoulder, pulling me mentally back


I snapped, for one day I didn't feel the need to act like a queen

"My queen, what is the matter?"

"Nothing. There are important matters to attend to, come with me"

And then I remembered, it wasn't possible. Aragon needed me now more than ever; I do not have the luxury of falling apart, no decent responsible queen does, it is a far-fetched fantasy, perhaps one for the realm of the mundane, one that I need to throw over my shoulder. 

 As I headed to my office, Eden took swift steps far behind. I turned to look at her 

"Faster, and close the door behind you" I ordered "Have a seat in my chair and write down what I tell you to. Clear?"

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