The tale of thunder

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Destiny's pov

Artemis looked upset, was it because I informed him of my decision? Well, he got cold again....

I couldn't deny it felt gratifying to lean on such a strong person, I restored my balance so easily at his strong yet gentle touch; a secret I am yet to understand.

His concern was so genuine; I wasn't used to anyone worrying about me to that degree but I couldn't deny I liked it. Unfortunately, it never stays the same. Ghosting culture be cruel.

Why does he always leave conversations unfinished? Mr darcy for real...

I sat in front of my mirror to brush my hair out.

there was something extraordinary about this mirror, not in its outer frame but more... material-wise. My reflection was different, I hadn't had the chance to take a good look at myself, I looked like a goddess, and more importantly; I felt like a goddess. I touched my mirror with the tip of my fingers, the mirror revealed a glow I'd never seen in myself before. I looked away from my reflection, reaching out to my gold brush, it felt heavenly to use on my hair, a work of art.

What was it about this place that whisked my heart away?

Artemis's POV

The moon shone brightly in my sky that night, my thoughts consumed me and my legs refused to stay still. So, instead of attempting to tame my wild irrational thoughts; I found myself pacing back and forth in my room, the room that should have Destiny in, leaving a bit of her existence on every object there.

It's my own fault. I know I got game, but I've never forced myself on a girl and I have no intention of starting now. I like a challenge but no girl has rejected me before.

The thought of rejection was doing unhealthy things to me, I tried to hold myself back from causing utter destruction, I twisted my neck and cracked my fingers as I uneasily knelt forward in my seat. 

Heavens, I even tried closing my eyes but all I see is the one image refusing to escape my mind; Destiny's request to go back to Earth; away from me

How she prefers the mediocre life on Earth than one with me.

A thunderstorm broke out. 


I looked over my shoulder to gaze at the stormy night sky, all black with a hint of white large angled lightning across it giving the illusion that it was cutting it in half.

Goodness, I hope Mother doesn't come to yell at me for "not properly controlling my emotions".

I mimicked her sound in my head and my facial expressions sneered in return.

"Artemis how will you ever rule when you're so unstable?" 

It didn't hesitate to completely take over me, the very thought. The very line I was sick of hearing.

Forcing myself to avoid looking at the mess I've caused outside, I lead myself to the mirror, facing the reflection that taunted me.

My neck twisted left and right to avoid my image, my truth; that I was a monster, this is what Destiny has realized.

I will undoubtedly lose my mind if I'm left alone for my thoughts to feast on me.

I already vowed to cut back on the alcohol, perhaps I'll attempt to distract myself with a book.

Destiny's pov

I was trying to sleep, it was my last night here. I can't say there will be much to tell Afomia, it was nearly impossible to make sense of anything; I'm considered married now! But let's toss that thought aside (only for it to immediately resurface)

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