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Artemis's pov

Exiting this monstrosity of an event, My legs carried me to the first place I could think of after my encounter with Destiny; Asher's room

"Art, finally. What happened?"

"I fucked up that's what..."
As I struggled to take off my royal jacket, it eventually came off and I tossed it onto the bed in frustration.

"Calm down, tell me what happened"
He sat me down with both hands pushing my shoulders, I resisted relentlessly at first before giving in.

Ash sat down facing me and gave me the right space to talk it out.

"For once, I am not knocking."
Cae ventures in
"Now, What was that Artemis?"

"I don't know what came over me ..."

"You basically offended everyone at that table!"
"Leave me alone Caelum... it's already bad enough as it is"

"She said something to you, didn't she?"

I nodded
"She was upset with me for my behavior over dinner. But let's just say the Merna thing? We're not quite through..."
I sighed, concealing my face

"It's all the curse's doing." Caelum tutted

"I figured..."

"If you need our help, don't hesitate to ask for it."
Cae held my shoulder in comfort, But I couldn't feel anyone's hands on me... not right now

Turning away from my best friend entirely, I requested "Leave us, Cae"

I could hear his angry breaths behind me but it wasn't nearly changing my stand on what I had in mind.

"As you wish"
Caelum took off in spite, stomping on the way out in hopes i'd change my mind and call him back, more like beg...

Asher: "Um..."
He stood up, arms crossed
"Since you let me stay, Is there anything I can do for you?"

My gaze darted towards the clock behind his white head of hair.
"It's past midnight..."
Astray, took out his silver pocket watch in an attempt to figure out what my deal was

"I have taken notice of your madman stare at the clock... but I'm still lost, to be honest..."

"The reason I'm staring is because... I just turned 30 thousand"

"Happy birthday Art. Or is that not-?"

I interrupted
"I just became king of Aragon...."
I sounded out, taking in a gulp of air "...Officially"

"Oh right!"
Asher got on his knee, looking up at me he smiled "At your service my king"

"Funny you said that-"

Asher blinked, slowly getting back up with a blank stare, his brows knotted.

"Cuz I'm about to do something no one can reprimand me for and you're coming with me"

"I don't have the best feeling about this.."

"No questions, no commentary"
I grabbed him by the wrist and we rushed out of court unnoticed

"I know I'm not allowed to ask but can you at least give me a hint of where we're going?"

"Take out your wings Asher."
He hesitated

I demanded

We flew pretty far, I didn't know much of Lyria outside of court, not that we remained there anyways, making use of Asher being a healer with a portal pass; we entered another portal, one that seemed awfully familiar from the books; a prohibited area.

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