The Beautiful & Damned

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Celeste's pov

Today will be my last day on bed rest, I woke up a few days ago to Cae's wide and relieved smile

Artemis was out of the picture, really. My feelings took a completely different turn ever since this healing process began, Caelum was all I thought of, I'd wait for his daily visit and little notes, Asteria ships us a great deal.

I was strong enough to get up and sit at my mantle, I wanted to look good for him, put on a nice dress, and perfume. The whole package.

"Look at you"

Asteria came in teasing from behind

"I'm so excited" I squealed

"As am I Cel"She winked

"Can you... get me a dress?"

"Sure, one of your old ones or...?"

"No... I feel this is a Demetri sort of thing, a new look"

"Ah." She exclaimed, her tone dropping into a steep one "I got you, I'll send word for him"

Taking steps back, Asteria dropped a full fledged smirk.

Asteria caught on to my instigations, I wasn't used to being genuinely understood without having to explain myself.

"Any other news though?"

"Cae said he'd be getting you permission to go to Lyria under his care today, I'd expect him any moment. "

A sigh of compassion left her lungs "That poor thing, he has so much on his plate"

"I know, but I'll make it up to him" Batting my eyelashes

 "I know you will" She winked, implying more than words could express

Demetri came rather quickly, welcoming me back. Sooner than I anticipated if you ask me... he's usually pretty busy.

Don't mind me, I'm always cooking up conspiracy theories.

Demetri: "Princess, welcome back" 

He took me in with open arms, his face appearing a tad pale but immediately plunging it in my chest well before I could decipher his expression

"Are you okay Demetri?"

His embrace so tight and rather prolonged for his usual self. He can hug me don't get me wrong, I simply found it rather unusual.

"Me? Why of course" He turned around swiftly, blocking my view of his face

"I'm just thankful for your well-being, despite our last encounter being for the sake of your engagement"


And that ladies and gents is what you never tell someone fresh out of recovery

"So what are we going for?"

"Well, Caelum is taking me with her to the Lyrian court so... perhaps you could make me something romantic"

"Well, before I could execute any of your personal choice of clothing, an Aragonese uniform should be prioritized"

"If you must, sure" Hesitant, I reluctantly took my regular stance

Demetri grabbed a measure tape to wrap around my waist

"You see, it's a rule enforced by Queen Juno-"

Looking down at the tape wrapping around me, I interrupted him

"Demetri, what are you doing? I may have been a bit dead but my size hasn't changed" My brows furrowed, slightly blinking at him

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