The dark horse & the golden snake 2

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Artemis's pov

"What about Destiny?"
Frantic, Caspian got up
"Did the Celestial council say anything?"

I froze, completely...
"Nothing to worry about, we're just reporting." Celeste answered on my behalf

"Well then, report."

"My king, a while back, Destiny was receiving threats from Merlin."
I said, still shaking
A moment of silence blessed my ears, but who was to say whether it was the good sort or not...

"It was Artemis who came across the letters, your majesty" Caelum smiled, in attempts of drawing back the bewildered man
He got my back despite what went down in this very room over the exact topic, it meant a lot.

I thought he might say something along the lines of :
"How is that even possible?! Your barrier was useless..."
But instead he said:
"Go on."
Leaning against the table, Caspian
crossed his arms

"It was nearly impossible to rule out the suspect as I personally made sure to question everyone at court with truth serum.... That I brewed without Asher's or Caelum's consent."
Shifting my body weight entirely to one side, I held the back of my head

A warm smile blessed my sights "A daring act, I'm most impressed"

I choked on my words, probably due to the fact he's never said anything like this to me...

"They were sending her letters, through Demetri; taking advantage of his access to court."
Caelum countered

"Yes, Artemis didn't leave anyone without interrogation. Demetri attempted to pin it on Caelum but together we got to the bottom of it."
Celeste said, pacing around the room

"This is a lot..."
He puffed

"Why don't you sit back down, my king?"
Caelum went up to him, sitting him down as he absorbed his nervous energy without him noticing.

"I trust you have him locked somewhere, he can't be trusted anymore"

"Indeed, he's In the dungeons."
"Who else knows about this?"

"My subjects, Destiny and Afomia."

"Audra doesn't."

"No sir."
Covering his sweaty face with both hands, he asked "When...?"

"Precisely before your majesty's arrival."
He sighed away the despair, holding his beard
"Is Demetri the reason for your tardiness
this morning?"

"Yes your majesty."
I pursed my lips
"I continued my interrogation with him as time was an obstacle yesterday..."

I paused, softly meeting his gaze
"...Do accept my apology, for I was unaware I was expected at the gate to greet your court's esteemed guest."

I fought my demons to stay neutral with esteemed guest. There's nothing esteemed about him or his presence...

"Let's not worry about that now, what concerns me is Demetri. So,"
He slapped his palms together
"What were you able to obtain from him?"

Celeste:"last night, Demetri didn't give much. He played nothing more than a messenger and he only colluded with Merlin under the sole claim of having his family's safety threatened"

Caelum:" and his story checks out, his lips told no lies."

"I'm... we're a little stuck on what to do next. You see, if Merlin caugh on to his absence, he would get suspicious..."

Leaning against the table, I crossed my arms, shrugging at the last statement in doubt

"Is that what he insinuated to you?"
Irresolute, Caspian hinted at a possible trap I fell into.

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