possession or obsession?

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Destiny's POV

I woke up in the fanciest bed I've ever been in, silky sheets and everything, I knew before I opened my eyes that I was definitely not home. When I did, that was a completely different story.

The first thing I laid my eyes on was this man, his gaze fixed on me completely, a very firm gaze that breathed fire.

He had raven black hair and crystal blue eyes, he wore a long black frock coat with silver embroidery and a black crown almost embedded in the darkness of his hair if it hadn't been covering a part of his forehead. Oh god, I must be dead and this is my Angel of death. Is this funny for him? He's literally smirking at me!

Another person emerged in my vision frame, an old lady wearing a cape, she looked familiar...

Inquiring about my whereabouts, the answer "kingdom of Aragon " or in other words ;The sky didn't suffice me , I needed to know if I was dead or not...

Then this old lady asked about Afomia...

"Yes, I-I was..."

I let go of the covers reluctantly

"You're not dead. You're just in the sky. In a literal sense"

"Is that what you tell the souls that refuse to accept their fate?"

I looked back at the Angel who was barely keeping his laugh in. My interpretation may not exactly be on point but at least that's how much sense I'm trying to make of the situation.

"When you were with Afomia, my granddaughter, she put the amulet on you for a safe transition. And you've made it safely"

"Wh-what? Why am I here?"

"Because this is your soulmate."

She pointed to the handsome sculpture of a man whose gaze was still fixated on me.

I started to laugh and pinched myself

"Yeah, Okay I'm definitely still dreaming. There's no way any of this is real!"

"This is Artemis, he rules over the sky"

Artemis politely waved maintaining his full-fledged smirk

these people are killing me... this has to be a stupid prank by Afomia, right?

"Look lady, I appreciate you taking care of me but I think it's time for me to go home."

"This is your home now. You're not going anywhere." Artemis said in a stern threatening tone,

All warmth left his voice, his once flirty eyes, darkened.

I felt a shiver down my spine

I looked back at him and locked eyes

"And Why is that?"

I crossed my arms in protest

"Because we're soulmates. You better get used to being here and forget your life on Earth, it's all in the past now."

"I. Beg. Your. Pardon? What the hell is that supposed to mean? I don't even know you!"

He walked towards me with his eyebrows crossed in anger, standing right next to my corner of the bed, hovering over me, he tied his hands behind his back as he stared right into my soul with no emotion.

"There will be plenty of time for that..."

He nodded subtly, taking in a breath of air

"...I suggest you start getting yourself acquainted with the status quo"

I was almost speechless, who does this smug jerk think he is? And why do I feel he does, at the moment, have power over me?

I had to stand my ground nevertheless, this all seemed too imaginary.

I got up and looked him straight into his opal blue eyes, I realized my grave mistake when it dawned on me; the height difference was indeed challenging when attempting to make a point. However, it wasn't like me to not argue. Especially, when nothing made sense. I crossed my arms once again.

"Not even in your wildest fantasies."

He rolled his eyes back, his lip twisted with an immoral half-smile

"Cute. You couldn't handle my wildest fantasies, even though I can picture you begging for it."

Did I hear that correctly?! Is it getting hot in here...?

No Destiny, wake up

Irritated, secretly for the effect that he had on me, I pointed my finger at his perfectly sculpted face

"Listen you, I'm not staying here another minute because you don't scare me one bit! Now, I'm leaving and if you so much think about doing anything to prevent that I will call the cops on you."

He looked down at me and nodded, holding back a laugh, clearly not taking me seriously

"Okay." He started walking away from me towards the big arched wooden door.

"I'm not done talking to you yet!" I followed

"But I am." His voice faded into the hallway as he slammed the door shut behind him.

I didn't see it coming

I ran after him and tried opening the door

"Hey! Get back here!"

I looked back at the oracle who pursed her lips

"I'm not dreaming, am I?"

She shook her head "Child, why don't you let me tell you about this place? And I'll talk to his highness afterward"

"Yeah don't even get me started on him. Who the hell does he think he is to talk to me this way?!"

"He's the princess of Aragon, and I'm secretly impressed by how well you handled her; he's quite difficult "

I let out a huge sigh and closed my eyes in utter disappointment

"With his bitchy attitude, everyone must be fighting him, he gets on my nerves..."

"Most people are afraid, attempting to impress him or get his attention. That just proves your cosmic connection even more"

Skeptical, I say: "Okay, I'm going to pretend this is serious and have you explain it to me."

"You are both quite stubborn indeed. Anyways, when you were on Earth you never truly connected with anyone because looking down at you from above, I saw there was a red thread connecting you to the sky. You never belonged on earth, you only connected with Afomia because, she too, is like me."

It made sense in a way. I couldn't explain it to myself but it seemed to be the missing puzzle piece of my life's dilemma. The oracle went on and on about the solar system rulers, their roles, and the effects they hold. Artemis was the highest rank in power and the biggest rebel it seemed. Soon afterwards she left me all alone in this room.

  But that did not matter because I planned on escaping at night through my balcony.

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