The imposter among us

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Asher's pov

Afomia and I were barely official. Surely Artemis and Caelum caught us multiple times yet we cherish the moments we get to spend together

"Well?" Afomia queried


"I was asking whether you'd like to promenade, it's getting stuffy in here" She flicked her curls

"I'm sorry, my mind wandered elsewhere"

"Is something wrong?"

"Just a bad feeling..."

And before Afomia could hold my hand for comfort, Artemis rushed in with a big bang, slamming the door shut so aggressively behind him, he knocked over a few things from the shelves


I didn't have a second to put two and two together but what my gut feeling proved to be despite its nuisance; an epiphany

Artemis walked in with a face crimson red in hue, his once calm demeanor became a folktale.

He stomped in with clenched fists, enraged with a harsh tone he'd never used on me before.


Before I could utter a word, he pulled me from my collar and pinned my shoulders against the wall

Afomia screamed in the background "What is the matter with you?!"

[This is what you don't do when Artemis is feral... but it's not like anything will happen to Afomia]

His eyes grew dark and vile, his breaths were intermittent and his heart beat faster than a lightning bolt

But I wasn't afraid of Art, because I knew for certain he would never harm me

His grip against my collar tightened but he made sure not to bang my head against the hard wall, so sweet.

"It's okay Afomia"

I assured, tilting my head towards the door for her to open

Afomia: "Let go of him!"

went straight for the kill but I extended my arm to prevent her from getting any closer

"I got it babe" Assuring her once again

Afomia gave up and headed to open the door

"Art will you let go of me? We can be civil surely?"

At last, Artemise reluctantly let go with a hot dragon-like breath but didn't step back "Where. Is. He?"

Caelum innocently ventured in

"Did I miss something? I can hear you from down the hall"

"You..." Artemis glared


"You're the only one who has access through my barrier"

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Caelum gritted his teeth

Celeste popped into Artemis's vision frame, standing in the middle, blocking Caelum from Artemis in a defensive stance

"Celeste! Welcome back!" I cheered

But all 3 of them, turned their heads at the same time & gave me a look to remain silent, and remain silent indeed I did.

Artemis: "Destiny has been getting threats"

He took slow warning steps towards Caelum who didn't even flinch

"Careful with what you're suggesting Artemis" Caelum threatened, pinned down in his place

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