Dangerous games

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Destiny's pov

Upon waking up, a nasty headache caught on to me; dehydration and stress headache, although I didn't quite recall what May have caused me to be so hungover to begin with last night, something was indeed missing.

Assuming that this is indeed Afomia and not an alien they swapped my real bestie with, she's most peculiar this morning; acting immensely kind to me and nothing like her usual bully self.

As I finally mastered the art of getting out of bed, I made my way into the kitchen
"Good morning Afomia"
I turned on the coffee machine

"More like Afternoon, It's 5PM..."

"Woah, well some well deserved rest I believe"
Laughing it off, I'm not usually that much of a sleepy head.

"How are you feeling today?"
She asked, Reaching for my forehead

"Fine I guess"
My eyes followed her hand before grabbing it, slowly moving it away in estrangement.

"Okay it really is gone..."
She assured in a skeptical tone

"What is?"
As I poured myself some coffee into my favorite pink hippo mug

"You... You had a fever"

"Oh, well thanks for taking care of me I guess"

Afomia was extra weird this morning, not the usual level of Afomia-ness.
Normally I would hear "should've caught a man instead sis" but not today for some reason

Unable to resist the freshly grinded coffee, I took a sip. A grave misktake giving that it was still hot and slightly scorched my tongue

I fanned my tongue, letting in some air

"You're good?"
She ran to me

"Afomia what is up with you today?"
I asked while squinting at her in utter confusion

She out her hands as a sign of innocence

I went back to my room to make my bed and something felt off, it smelled different than usual. Dare I say, better?

As I reached to remove the covers off to fix the sheets to the corners, it looked different than usual, one part of the mattress seemed a bit more sunken while strangely it wasn't not the part I sleep on.

Perhaps it was Afomia?

But it smelled so good with a dash of familiarity, not Afomia but someone else, someone I knew.

Why? Why couldn't I remember...?

I stood there, in utter silence. My mind a blurz

But nevertheless, even if I didn't remember how I got sick; I felt better and ready to go out.

I made my bed, again imprisoned by the aroma that gushed out again. I sniffed the pillow, taking in its deep ocean scent.

"No. What is wrong with me? Let's just..."

Joyously, I hopped back to Afomia in the kitchen

"Oh foamy"
I teased

Oh how she hated that nickname
Afomia turned around from the kitchen sink


Seriously? My head is still intact after that nickname?

"We're going clubbing tonight"

"Dont decide on my behalf!"
She crossed her eyebrows

"Already did"

Triumphant exist

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