Chapter 1- The Prodigal Son

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Will examined the bloody scene in front of him. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and relived the events through the killer's eyes.


He turned to Crawford after he finished. A headache had begun pounding at his skull.

"What did you see," Crawford asked.

Will took a couple Aspirin, swallowing it down distastefully. He was half-listening to the team, talking about the wounds and what could possibly be the reason for the attack. He couldn't help the slight annoyance at them getting the motive wrong.

"The killer wasn't doing this as an act of revenge. He was creating art," Will corrected, including himself in the conversation.

"You call this art," Crawford asked, a hint of judgment in his tone.

"Art comes in many forms. This person chose a more lethal one," Will explained.

"Will, there's someone here to see you," an Officer reported.

Will turned his gaze to the two men and felt himself stop breathing... What the fuck are doing here? How did they find him?! He could hear the forensic team questioning how Will knew the two men. Their questions faded in the background as irritation quickly rose in him. 

For so long, Will had avoided his past and started over elsewhere. Now his brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester, were at his job, demanding to drag him back into the life he escaped. He excused himself and finally went to address them.

"Who are the two hunks," Brian asked, earning him stares, "What? I'm straight, not blind."

Will dragged his brothers by the arms angrily.

"What the hell are you doing here," Will hissed, making sure they were out of earshot.

"Good to see you too. Did you not get our messages," Dean asked.

"You both had a warrant out for your arrests," Will said, "Want to tell me how that happened?"

"Depends. Are we speaking to Will Graham or Will Winchester," Sam asked, sarcasm in his voice.

"I only go by Will Graham," Will said, clenching his jaw, "Will Winchester is dead."

"So you turn your back on your family...?"

"You are not...!"

Will stopped himself from finishing as he received looks from a few agents passing by. All three of them gave the agents an awkward, forced smile.

"Get out. Leave. And don't come back. I'm done with you and done with this life," Will said.

"You're never done. You can't just walk away from being a hunter, Will," Dean said.

"Watch me," Will spat, turning his back.

"We found Dad," Sam said, making him pause, "We can finally kill the yellow-eyed demon. But we need our brother, Will. We can't do this without you."

He turned back around to face Sam, wanting to tell him to fuck off. Damn, Sam and those puppy eyes! His expression softened for his younger brother.

"You got this far, didn't you," Will asked, his voice more gentle towards him.

"I got this far because you and Dean taught me that Winchesters don't give up," Sam said.

"Yeah, well, I'm not a Winchester," Will said, leaving them behind.

"I told you it was a waste of time coming here," Dean scoffed.

Sam stared at Will until he turned the corner. He gave a small, proud smirk. A part of him was happy that Will had the strength to walk away.

God only knows how many times he's tried.

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