Chapter 49- Demon Blood Issues

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WARNINGS: Slight Sexual Content; Wing Kink; Wet Dreams; Mentions of Addictions

Two Months Later

Will was waiting for Dean and Sam at Bobby's house. Adam was already there, sketching away at the notebook he got for his 20th birthday. 

Will glanced over Adam's shoulder to see what he was drawing. His eyes scanned the various postures of the man with wings.

"Who is he," Will asked.

"Just a character I made up," Adam said, sketching in the details of his wings.

"What's his name?"

"Mike," Adam smiled, recalling his last interaction with his 'character'.

"Mike, what's happening," Adam asked, tugging at his restraints.

Michael stepped into view. His wings were a bluish hue to match his eyes. His hair was somewhat dark in color. Adam described it as dark brown. His sun-kissed skin glistened, like he recently showered. The tip of his wings scraped against the floor as he walked.

"I won't hurt you. I only need a little taste," Michael said, stalking up to him, "May I?"

Adam licked his lips, unsure if he should say yes. Part of him wanted to. He would be lying if he said Mike didn't turn him on a little. The man was stunning, even if he wasn't real.

"The restraints?"

Michael averted his eyes from the hunter. Adam gave a questioning look to him. Why was he hesitant? Was he nervous about something?

"Mike," Adam said.

"I need your answer first," Michael said.

"Remove the restraints."

The ties loosened and let go before disappearing. Adam looked at his wrists, examining them for bruises. It wasn't needed. He did it out of habit. Then his eyes traveled back to Michael.

"What are you asking of me," Adam asked, "A taste? Of what?"

"You," Michael said softly, "I want to taste you."

"Like... Romantically, or are you planning to eat me," Adam teased, smirking at him.

Michael pulled him closer by his ankles. Adam tensed as he crawled over him. His eyes trailed over his body. He took note of the blush creeping into Adam's ears and cheeks. He wanted him.

Michael lunged at his lips, smothering it with a heated kiss. His hands roamed underneath his shirt to feel his skin. His palms traveled over his abs, his chest, and rested at his neck.

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