Chapter 55- Pureblood Siblings

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Simon watched the doctors and nurses treat their newest patient, Will. Currently, they only had his corpse to work with. His wounds needed a few major stitches before he could accept his soul.

Once they were finished, one of the nurses went to report this to Simon.

"His body is prepared for the last treatment. Would you like to call him in," a nurse asked, removing her latex gloves.

"Yeah. Give me a minute," Simon said, going somewhere private to speak with Lucifer.

Lucifer kept his soul safe until he was ready. The door opened and Meg walked in with a briefcase. She handed it to Simon.

"Courtesy of Lucifer," Meg said, glancing at Will's corpse through the window.

"Where is he," Simon asked, taking the briefcase from her hand.

"Busy. For now, you report to me," Meg said, "Is that a problem?"

"No. Not at all," Simon said, thinning his lips into a forced smile.

He handed the briefcase to the nurse. She walked into the surgery room and opened the container. The bright light found Will's body before seemingly jumping inside.

His pale skin started to gain color. His cheeks filled with blush from the blood rushing through him. Meg watched the hunter come back to life in front of her.

"Well done," Simon said, "I'll keep him safe until he wakes up."

"If you fail to keep him comfortable, Lucifer will not be pleased," Meg said, leaving the room, "Just so you know."

Simon finally rolled his eyes after she left.


Marie and Peter sat in Will's new bedroom after he was moved a month later.

A while back, they both learned that their species is called Wyverns. Better known as a pure-blood dragon apparently. Therefore, they had no desperate desire for virgins or gold. But they did have a hunger for humans.

They were supposed to be living in Tyler's safe haven, but they moved to Simon's. Here, they could learn how to use their abilities and defend themselves. They could also watch over Will and speak to him.

"How is he," Peter asked, coming in with coffee and text books.

Simon also insisted that Marie and Peter studied. Schooling became a requirement. That was the only downside of their new home.

"Asleep as usual," Marie said, "Doctors say he might be waking up soon. It's still hard to tell since they said that last week as well. And the week before that."

"I love your optimism," Peter sassed, earning him a flick on the forehead, "Asshole."

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