Chapter 22- Have A Little Fun

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WARNINGS: Supernatural Violence; Mentions of Night Terrors; Implied Cannibalism

Three Months Later

"Help!! Help me!!! Sam!!! SOMEONE HELP!!!"

Will sat up in bed, sweating profusely while panting. He reluctantly got out of bed to grab a towel.

Will glanced over to see glowing eyes, looking back at him. The glow disappeared briefly as the person saw his uneasiness. Then he stepped closer into the moonlight to reveal his face.

"You can't keep sneaking up on me, Tyler," Will scolded.

"I heard you crying out in your sleep," Tyler said, "Are you okay?"

"Just a nightmare," Will said, grabbing a towel.

"Is someone after you? Say the word and I'll kill..."

"No killing. You know the rules," Will snapped.

Tyler lowered his head and nodded.

"I just don't want you to get hurt," Tyler said.

"I'm fine," Will reassured, heading back to bed.

Will set the towel down and climbed back underneath the blankets. Over the past few months, he's been hunting down demons nonstop.

Along the way, he's met some 'monsters' that were simply looking for help. Will didn't have the heart to kill them, so eventually he was known as a 'Monster Sympathizer'.

Overtime, he started getting repeated nightmares. He couldn't comprehend what they meant. Then again, maybe it wasn't for him to understand.

He fumbled around for his ringing cell phone. Will glanced at the Caller ID through squinted eyes before answering it.


"Will, are you asleep," Dean asked.

Will made a bitchface at his phone before placing it back to his ear.

"Yes, Dean. I'm asleep right now. You're currently talking to my clone," Will sassed.

"You could've just said no," Dean said.

"What do you want," Will asked.

"I got a case for you," Dean said, "You up for it, Monster Empathizer?"

"My connections have gotten you information that you could only dream about. Be grateful for my 'Monster Empathizing' skills," Will said, grabbing a notepad and pen, "Whenever, you're ready."

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