Chapter 36- Nothing But A Soldier

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WARNINGS: Self-Worth Issues; Indications of Mental Illness 

The next day, Will did some research of his own while at home. Castiel. Why did it sound familiar to him?

"What are you researching," Hannibal asked, handing him a cup of coffee.

"Ever heard of the name Castiel," Will asked.

"Of course. Although most referred to him as Cassiel," Hannibal said.

"Cassiel? What is Cassiel," Will asked.

"From what I know he's an Angel. Why do you ask," Hannibal asked.

Will snapped his gaze to Hannibal.

"Angel? Like an actual angel? With halo and wings," Will asked.

"Most people assume all there is to angels are halos and wings. Angels can be a force of reckoning if needed," Hannibal said, "Why are you so curious about this?"

"Dean is alive."

"Pardon," Hannibal asked.

"He's alive, and we got the name of the entity that helped him escape. He said his name was Castiel," Will said.

Hannibal stared at him for a moment. A look of disbelief and disapproval rested in his eyes.

"I know it sounds insane, but it's true. The guy burned out Pamela's eyes," Will said.

"Pamela? As in, your friend," Hannibal asked.

"Yeah. I need to call Dean or Bobby," Will said, dialing their number.

Dean picked up the phone after Bobby did the summoning ritual.

"Will, we're kinda busy here," Dean said.

"Castiel is an angel," Will said.

Dean squinted as his words were cut off. He looked at his phone and noticed that his service was bad.

"What did you say? You're breaking up," Dean said.

"Angel, Dean!! You're summoning a freaking angel to you," Will snapped.

"Listen, I can't understand what you're saying, so I'll call you back after we're finished ganking this thing," Dean said.

"No, Dean..."

Will sighed in frustration as the call was dropped. He punched the bridge of his nose as a headache started forming.

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