Chapter 12- Gone For Good

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WARNINGS: Canon Character Death

Will watched Sam communicate with Dean through the board. He started frowning once Dean mentioned that he was hunting.

"Hunting? Hunting what," Sam asked.

Will sat up as he spelled out Reaper on the board.

"Grim Reaper," Adam whispered.

"Did it come for you," Sam asked.

Will felt his heart sink once he was led to the Yes mark. He dropped his eyes.

"We can ask Dad for his help. Maybe he'll know how to fix this," Sam suggested, standing up with Adam, "Hold on for us, Dean."

Will stayed behind for a moment.


"Give me a second," Will said.

"Don't overwork yourself, okay? We'll understand if you need a break," Sam said.

"I know," Will smiled.

Sam and Adam left the room to speak with John. Will closed his eyes and let himself see Dean.

"I'm screwed, aren't I," Dean asked.

"You're not screwed until we're completely out of options," Will said, "I will milk our luck dry to make sure you're okay."

"What if you have no choice, but let me go," Dean asked, meeting his eyes.

"There's always a choice," Will said.

"What if you're wrong," Dean asked.

"What if I'm right," Will whispered, "We can't do this without you, Dean. We need you... I need you."

Dean licked his lips anxiously and nodded.

"Okay. I'll try to hang on for all of you."

"Thank you," Will said.

"Will, dad is gone," Adam said, breaking his concentration.

"What? What do you mean he's gone," Will asked, standing up painfully.

"His bed is empty," Sam scoffed, "I bet he went off to fight that fucking demon."

"We'll find a way to save Dean ourselves. Alright? There's gotta be something! I'm not losing my brother," Will snapped, getting frustrated.

"I can call Bobby. See if he can help," Adam said, whipping out his phone.

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