Chapter 48- The Avoided Truths

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WARNINGS: Mentions of Depression and Mental Illness

A week and a half later, the angels gathered together to figure out what to do about the Winchesters. Dean and Sam were both being defiant about their destinies. Michael sat in the meeting, listening to the angels discussion.

"Not to mention, Adam isn't helping!"

Michael's eyes flickered to the angel that mentioned Adam.

"What was that," Michael asked.

"Adam is becoming a liability, sir. I'm sorry, but it's true," the angel reasoned, "He needs to be dealt with. William and Adam both do..."

The sound of thunder clapping filled the room. The angels looked around before turning to Michael. His wings were expanded in slight rage.

"No one lays a finger on Adam Winchester," Michael scolded, "Do you understand me?"

"Michael, we understand that he is your prize after the war, but honestly he has become tainted by his brothers," another angel reasoned.


"One bad apple spoils the bunch. We're already struggling with Dean Winchester's stubbornness. Adam will only make it worse," the angel continued.

"Hold your tongue before you lose it," Raphael snapped, "No one speaks on Adam Winchester anymore. Are we clear?"

"Of course, Raphael," the angel said, lowering his head in shame.

Raphael turned to Michael.

"Meeting adjourned."

Michael walked out of the room to go to his private place in heaven. Not many angels have one, but he was one of the few that did.

He went to the mirror-like decoration. His wings were matted with blood from his previous battles. His faces appeared somewhat clean, but still could use more work.

"Hello, Adam. My name is Michael, the archangel. You've probably heard of me... I sound like an idiot," Michael sighed, turning away.

He walked back up to the mirror with his head held high.

"Adam Winchester, you are my prize and I demand you to come with me... Respectfully, of course," Michael said.

"Are you practicing how to speak with the Winchester in front of a mirror?"

Michael turned to Raphael. An amused energy glowed around him, making Michael roll his eyes.

"Have you come to mock me," Michael asked, "It's been a while since I last spoke with a human."

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