Chapter 39- Betrayed Friendship

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WARNINGS: Mentions of Cannibalism, Accidental Child Death, Neglectful Parent 

"Have you come to smite me? I assure you, it won't end well," Hannibal said, circling him slowly.

"What are you doing among the Winchesters," Castiel asked, "They are..."

"Let me guess, divinely protected? Is Michael still upstairs trying to play god for your deadbeat father," Hannibal asked.

"You will do well to hold your tongue," Castiel advised.

"What is it that you want," Hannibal asked, pausing in his movements.

"I want to know your intentions with William Winchester," Castiel said.

"I'm engaged to him. Do the math, Cassiel," Hannibal said.

"Marriage. Is that it? No other hidden agenda," Castiel asked.

"Not all of us 'monsters' are evil or manipulative. Some of us wanted a life here. I found a life here and it happens to involve Will," Hannibal said.

"Not evil? You eat people."

"Rude people," Hannibal corrected, "But yes. Unfortunately, I still have a specific appetite."

"How do I know you're not planning to do the same with Dean Winchester," Castiel asked.

"Because if I truly wanted to, he would already be dead. I have no interest in harming your lover," Hannibal reasoned.

"He is not my lover," Castiel said, quickly correcting his assumptions.

"Really? But you left a mark on him," Hannibal said, "I mean, I'm not one to judge, but isn't that a show of ownership for your kind?"

Castiel averted his gaze as a show of his discomfort on the topic.

"Cassiel, I understand that desire to have someone. You desiring Dean Winchester is not a negative thing," Hannibal reasoned.

"I do not require your permission on this," Castiel snapped.

Hannibal cut his eyes at the angel.

"We were once friends, you and I. What happened to us? How did we fall so far," Hannibal asked, looking at the sky.

"That was before you turned into this..."

"What? A monster? Leviathan? Or your brothers' personal favorite, abomination," Hannibal asked, disgusted by the words used against his kind.


Hannibal scoffed at him and shook his head.

"You fail to remember that my kind was here long before you feathered freaks," Hannibal spat, "We owned this world before your 'deadbeat dad' decided to lock us away."

"You were locked away because of you and your brother's evilness," Castiel accused, "You would've turned humankind into your personal livestock!"

"I never wanted to be a monster, Cassiel! If anyone knew that, it was you," Hannibal snapped.

Castiel's cold gaze softened. Hannibal had put a lot of trust into the angel. He was the first being that truly got to know him.

"I let you in, and you threw me to the wolves. Tell me, did you feel any remorse," Hannibal asked, "Were you proud of yourself when Josette was killed?"

"Your daughter was a casualty..."

"Casualty?! She wasn't even a Leviathan, Cassiel. Did you know that she was supposed to turn 9 that week," Hannibal asked, "And for years, I begged you to tell me why?"

He quickly wiped away his oncoming tears. It's been centuries, but seeing Castiel still affected him the same.

"You call me unholy, wicked, and evil. Yet, you turned me into this," Hannibal spat, standing in his space.

Castiel's expression hardened into a glare again.

"You were a monster long before we met. I never created what you are. I only proved that you will always be an abomination," Castiel snapped.

Hannibal tilted his head as he noticed how tense he looked. He was expecting him to fight. He stepped away from the angel, showing he had no intentions of fighting him.

"I'm nothing more than an abomination in your eyes, aren't I," Hannibal asked.

"I'm an angel, Hannibal. You are a Leviathan. Be grateful that I chose not to cast you back to purgatory," Castiel said.

Hannibal subtly flinched when Castiel mentioned sending him back. A subtle look of hurt rested in his eyes.

"I see. I apologize for wasting your time with my friendship. I promise it will never happen again," Hannibal said, walking back inside.

Castiel's glare softened as a twinge of guilt rested inside of him. He stood there with his head lowered in shame.

"Good work, Castiel. Now he knows that he means nothing to you," Uriel said, showing up behind him.

"We spared this city along with Dean Winchester's brothers. That's all that matters," Castiel said, heading back to heaven.

Hannibal laid down next to Will. He wrapped his arm around his waist and nuzzled his face into his shoulder.

"You kay," Will mumbled drowsily.

"I'm fine," Hannibal muttered, pressing a kiss to his shoulder.

Will grabbed his hand to intertwine their fingers. Then he went back to sleep. As Hannibal drifted to sleep, he felt a tear roll down the side of his face.

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