Chapter 46- Supernatural Spies

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Dean leaned on the hood of his car while waiting for Adam to show up. He pushed himself forward, once his motorcycle was parked.

"I got your message," Adam said, removing his helmet, "Where's Sam?"

"Still sleeping. I need your help with something," Dean said, "Sam needs someone to watch him, and sometimes I can't be there to do that."

"Are you asking me to spy on our brother," Adam asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"No, no... Maybe... Okay, yes," Dean said, "He'll be expecting me. So you have a better chance of checking on him."

"Dean, Sam would kill me if he found out..."

"Then don't let him find out," Dean interrupted, "Look, he needs us. We can't let him just run around with Ruby when he thinks no one is looking!"

Adam got quiet as he began raising his voice. Dean took a deep breath, realizing he was getting aggressive.

"Just help me out... Please," Dean asked, speaking calmly.

"I'll try my best. But you'll have a better chance of asking Will than me," Adam said, "He's the one with a bunch of monsters wrapped around his finger."

"You think he can get a set of eyes on Ruby," Dean asked.

"If anyone can, it's Will," Adam shrugged.

Dean hummed softly to himself.

"I should get going. I have a case to handle nearby," Adam said.

"You need help," Dean asked.

"No. It's nothing big. I got it," Adam smiled, putting on his helmet, "Let me know if anything changes with Sam or this whole angelic business."

"Be careful, Adam," Dean said, watching him get on his motorcycle.

Adam turned on the motorized bike and drove away.

"I have got to get me one of those someday," Dean mumbled, going back inside.

He pulled out his cellphone and called Will's number.

"Hey, Will, it's Dean. Sam and I are on our way over to see you," Dean said, leaving a voicemail, "Talk soon."

He hung up as Sam walked into the hotel room with food in hand.

"Ready," Dean asked, glancing at him.

"Where are we going," Sam asked, handing him his food.

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