Chapter 24- Safe Haven

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WARNINGS: Slight Sexual Content; Consensual Groping; Mentions of Serial Killers

Will drove back to his home with Tyler and Winston with him. He occasionally glanced at the skinwalker in his passenger seat. He wanted to ask about his love confession so badly.

"You can ask your question, Will," Tyler said, feeling his eyes on him.

"Your confession last night. Was it real," Will asked, parking in front of the house.

"Yes," Tyler said.

"Tyler, I... Hannibal and I... We're..."

Tyler leaned over, kissing him.

"I know you love him. I know I can not change that love within you," Tyler said, "But if it ever comes to a point where you need something more, I'm here."

"You make it really hard to say no," Will teased, making him laugh.

"You have opened my eyes to something so beautiful... I'm sorry if last night, I overstepped with my confession," Tyler apologized.

"You're fine. I just... I don't want to hurt you," Will said, dropping his gaze, "I probably should've thought of that before having sex with you, huh?"

"I don't regret it," Tyler smirked, "Do you?"

Will lifted his eyes to his.

"Not for one second," Will whispered, glancing at his lips.

Tyler leaned over, kissing him again. He grabbed Will's hand, moving it to his crotch. Will groaned softly as he felt his cock jump underneath the cotton of his sweatpants.

"Okay, let's get inside before this escalates," Will said, "And the cops are called."

Tyler chuckled and followed him in. Winston ran ahead of them, racing into the darkness once the door was opened. Tyler quickly pulled Will behind him as he noticed someone else's presence.

"Who the hell are you," Tyler spat.

The lamp turned on, revealing Sam, Dean, and Adam all waiting for them to arrive.

"You know, instead of breaking into my house, there's this thing called knocking or calling ahead of time," Will sassed, stepping around Tyler.

"We tried calling. Your phone was off," Dean said, staring at Tyler threateningly.

"I was busy doing two hunts, in case you cared," Will said, removing his jacket, "Would anyone like a beer since you decided to let yourselves in?"

"Have you heard the news," Sam asked.

"What news," Will asked, grabbing four beers from the kitchen.

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