Chapter 43- Rehab For Monsters

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WARNINGS: Mentions of Cannibalism

The same night, Will called Tyler back to explain the situation with Travis.

"Do you think he's planning to make a monster out of Jack," Tyler asked.

"It wouldn't be the first time something like this happened, Tyler. I want to be prepared for anything," Will said.

"I can send someone to deal with him," Tyler offered, "That way you don't have to worry about the body afterwards."

"Maybe have someone tail him, in case he makes a move," Will suggested.

"Olivia is a town over from you. I can send her," Tyler started.

"Olivia is too young to be handling these situations," Will said, "Send someone else."

"Will, she's gotten really good at this job. Maybe you should give her a chance," Tyler reasoned.

"Send someone else, Tyler," Will repeated, refusing to be swayed by his reasoning.

Tyler sighed deeply. Olivia was still pretty young, but that didn't mean she was any less capable of handling these jobs. Will just happened to have a father-like soft spot for her.

"Okay. I can try to get another person for the job," Tyler said, "If all else fails, I'll be up there to handle it myself."

"You can't get too much blood on your hands. My brothers are already looking for a reason to hunt you," Will said, "And I don't feel like kicking their asses."

He heard Tyler chuckle on the other end of the line.

"I'll see who's available," Tyler smiled.

"Thanks, Tyler."


The call was dropped, allowing Will to get some sleep. He plopped down in bed, pulling the blanket over his shoulders before drifting into a slumber.

Will looked around to see he was in front of a house. Who's home was this? He's never been here before.

He reached for the doorknob and opened it. Travis, Jack, and a woman stood in front of him. A butcher's knife sat on the table, waiting for him to use it.

Will didn't recognize who the lady was. He couldn't put a face to her. Her identity remained unknown to him. She was faceless.

"Three of you will meet in this room. Three of you will survive."

Will grabbed the butcher's knife. He stepped up to Jack first, dipping the knife into his chest. Blood dripped from the wound as he carved an 'X' on his skin.

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