Chapter 10- Don't Let Go

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Sam rushed to the room next door, where Dean was still unconscious. Fear flooded his mind as he thought back to what Will said.

No, no, he's probably wrong. Dean is tougher than this. He'll make it through... He has to. Will limped his way into the room.

"Sam," Will said, making him turn to face him.

Will choked back a sob as he saw Dean. Of all the times to be wrong, Will pleaded it was now. He limped closer to him.

"It's alright, Dean. You keep fighting," Will whispered, touching his forehead gently, "Please... Don't give up. Not yet."

"See me..."

Will lifted his head and turned to the wall near the door. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to see.

When he opened them, Will sucked in his breath. Dean was standing in front of him.

He looked behind him before looking at Will again. A look of disbelief spread across his face.

"You can see me," Dean asked.

"You asked me to," Will said, his voice in a whisper.

"Holy shit. I knew you were a weirdo, but never guessed it's the 'I see dead people' kind of weird," Dean teased.

"Thanks, asshole," Will smirked, "I can't stay for long though. I'll probably get a seizure on you."

"Yeah. I'd hug you, but I might go straight through your body. It'll be weird for both of us," Dean said.

"You're right," Will agreed, chuckling, "Are you...? Does it hurt?"

"So far, no. I think I'm in-between life and death," Dean theorized.

"That's probably why I can see you," Will muttered.

"What do you mean," Dean asked.

"Typically, when I use the other sight, I can see someone who's newly dead," Will said.

"I'm gonna die, aren't I," Dean asked with concern resting on his face.

Will took that as his cue to take on the older brother role.

"No. I'm not gonna let you," Will said, "I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you're okay. You hear me?"

Dean looked at him, taking on Will's confidence.

"Yeah, you're right. Probably gonna need a Hoodoo priest to work some mojo on me," Dean reasoned, "I'll be good as new."

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