Chapter 3- Always An Option

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WARNINGS: Parental Emotional Neglect; Parent-Child Favoritism

John looked up from his papers as Dean and Sam walked into the hotel room. He searched for Will behind his two sons.

"Where is he," John asked.

"He basically told us to go screw ourselves. But if you want to take a crack at him, by all means be my guest," Sam sneered, removing his jacket.

John was about to snap at him when Adam stepped inside the room.

"Okay. I got food for everyone. Sam, they only had chicken salad," Adam said, handing out food to them.

"Thank you, son," John said, smiling warmly at him.

Dean felt a scowl, teasing at his lips. He cut his eyes at them.

"Something wrong, Dean," John asked.

"No... Sir," Dean said, spitting out the title like venom.

A phone call broke up a rising argument. John glanced at his cell and answered it.

"Hello," John answered.

"John Winchester, this is Dr. Lecter. I am a friend of Will's. I wanted to invite you and his brothers to have dinner at my residence," Hannibal said.

"I don't think..."

"Will is going to be present," Hannibal interrupted, "I insisted on this idea. It was my final chance to give you the opportunity to make amends with your son."

There was a moment of silence.

"I want to talk to him," John said.

Hannibal glanced at Will, who shook his head.

"He doesn't wish to speak with you, I'm afraid," Hannibal said.

"I don't know who you are, and at this point, I don't care. Put my son on the phone," John said.

Hannibal's warm demeanor turned a bit malicious. He handed the phone to Will who sighed deeply.

"What," Will asked.

"A dinner invite? Really," John asked.

"Do you want to speak with me or not," Will asked, "This is your final chance to have the Winchester reunion of a lifetime."

"Having you is an option," John blurted.

Will couldn't even cover up the hurt on his face.

"I suppose that's how you've felt for a while now, isn't it," Will asked.

He dropped the call as Hannibal noticed the look and reached for the phone. Will let it slip from his hand and got up to take a walk.

"What the hell was that," Sam snapped.

"He made his choice," John said.

"Yeah, I wonder why, Dad! Do you ever think that he made this choice because you called him an option," Sam asked.

"Sam," Dean started.

"He has always been ungrateful..."

"Ungrateful?! Are you fucking serious," Sam yelled, standing with balled up fists.

John stood as he did while sizing him up. Dean quickly put himself in-between the two. Adam sat on the sidelines, unsure of how to handle the situation.

"Both of you calm down," Dean snapped, pushing them arm's length apart.

Sam stormed out of the room.

"I'll go talk to him," Dean said, glancing at Adam.

Adam gave a short nod, understanding what Dean was silently asking. Then he walked out to chase after Sam.

"You know, he has a point. Calling Will an option may have been too far," Adam reasoned, "Then again, we've all been through so much. I think dinner would be good for all of us. It'll be normal for once, y'know?"

John turned to Adam and instantly softened.

"Maybe, you're right," John said softly.

He pulled out his cellphone and called the same number. Hannibal reached for his cell and answered it.

After listening to John's response to the invitation for dinner, he smiled.

"We'll be expecting you," Hannibal said, hanging up.

"Who was that?"

Hannibal looked at Will, coming into his room. His slight sweat indicated that he took his dogs for a run.

"Your family will be joining us for dinner," Hannibal said, causing Will's dark gaze to return.

"Do you need groceries?"

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