Chapter 26- Helping The Helpless

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WARNINGS: Indications of Physical Torture; Raw Meat Intake

Sam knocked on the door of the bathroom, where Will was now suffering from last night's decisions.

"You okay, Will," Sam asked, peeking inside.

Will was bent over a toilet, waiting for the impending hangover symptoms creeping in too slowly for him to move.

"Go fuck yourself," Will grumbled, his sickly state making him irritable.

"You're doing great, buddy," Sam teased with a playful smile.

Will flipped him off before another wave of nausea crashed through him. Sam scrunched up his nose and closed the door, after he began emptying his stomach.

"Did you get it," Sam asked, nodding at Dean coming back from his breakfast run.

"Yep, bacon cheeseburger for me. Salad for you. Adam got a large fry. And Will has the greasy pork sandwich," Dean smirked, amused by his suffering, "How is he?"

"Irritable," Sam said.

"So it's Will's normal attitude, but now with a hangover," Dean asked.

"Sounds about right," Sam said, "He's talking like normal too. I think last night, he was just overly stressed."

"Probably because of the whole demon deal thing," Dean muttered.

"More than likely."

The bathroom door opened and Will was seen leaning against the threshold, grimacing from his headache.

"Does anyone have a mint," Will croaked.

Adam tossed him one as he passed by the bathroom. Will unwrapped the candy and popped it into his mouth. Sam sat down with his salad as Winston snuck closer to him.

"Winston," Will corrected, making the dog backtrack to bed.

"Food," Dean said, extending the sandwich to Will.


"Would you rather suffer a hangover all morning," Dean asked.

Will accepted the food with an annoyed gaze.

"Thought so."

"I think I found us a case," Sam said, "So get this..."

Will began half-listening to him speak. He glanced at Adam, wondering if he should address what was said last night.

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