Chapter 44- Her Consequences

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WARNINGS: Slight Gun/Supernatural Violence

Once he arrived, Will stepped beside Jack in front of the house.

"What made you change your mind," Will asked, looking at him.

"There was a woman. I was going to... I wanted to eat her," Jack said, "I saw my reflection in the mirror and... If I ever killed anyone, I'd never forgive myself."

Jack stepped forward and opened the door, allowing both of them inside. However, something about the silence made Will uneasy.

"Michelle, I'm home," Jack called out.

There was no response back.

"Hey, babe? Are you here," Jack asked, walking to the living room.

Will was about to follow him, but stopped himself as he saw how familiar it all looked. This room. The tile. It's the same as his dream.

Which meant, Travis was probably here.

"Michelle," Jack said, regaining his attention.

Will watched as he was chloroformed by Travis. Jack was soon unconscious after a small struggle. He waited until Travis tied him up to step into view.

"What are you doing here," Travis asked, stepping back cautiously.

"I should be asking you that, don't you think," Will said.

"I'm doing my job," Travis said, pulling out a gun, "Like you should've been."

"It would be a good idea to walk away while you still can, Travis," Will advised.

"I don't take orders from you. We have a job as hunters and that's killing these... Monsters," Travis spat.

"Last warning to walk away," Will said.

"Or what?"

A bullet went through the drywall, hitting Travis in the ribs. He dropped to the ground with a small shout of pain. Will kicked the gun away from him and unlocked the door.

Will went to grab a towel to clean up Travis's blood. He pressed a knife to his neck while setting the towel underneath him.

"You make a move and I'll slit your throat," Will threatened, causing him to stiffen.

A well-known vampire walked inside with a rifle slung over his shoulder. He always went by the alias 'Simon' when doing jobs. Less people can trace him that way. Simon pressed his boot on Travis's hand, crushing the bones.

"Chicago could use some meat for the appetizers," Simon said.

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