Chapter 59- Back From The Dead

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WARNINGS: Little Sexual Content; Slight Gun Violence

Once Sam, Dean, and Adam found Lucifer. Sam caused a distraction, so Dean could get close enough.

Adam aimed his gun at a distance. It wouldn't do anything, but it would ensure that he didn't have to bury anyone else.

"Hey! You wanted to see me," Sam shouted, cocking his rifle.

Lucifer paused his digging to speak with him.

"Oh Sam, you don't need that gun here," Lucifer reassured, "You know I'd never hurt you. Not really."

"Yeah? Well, he'd hurt you," Dean said, turning off the safety of the colt.

Lucifer turned in time to be shot in the forehead. Adam looked up in disbelief. It's too easy. It's never this easy.

"Owww," Lucifer complained, standing up, "Where did you get that?"

Dean stared in shock, unable to respond. Lucifer hit him hard enough to knock him against a tree.

"There's only five things in all of creation that that gun can't kill. I just happen to be one of them," Lucifer bragged.

Adam was about to retaliate so they could escape, but felt someone grab his wrist. He tensed until he noticed it was Dean's angel.

Castiel put a finger to his lips, telling him to keep quiet. Then he teleported him to the car.

Sam rushed to Dean's side, checking for a pulse. Thankfully, he was still alive.

"You'll have to excuse me. Midnight is calling, and I have a ritual to finish," Lucifer said.

Castiel grabbed Sam and Dean next and teleported away. Lucifer smirked at the angel before he left. Michael appeared beside Lucifer as Death rose from his sleep.

"What's he for," Michael said, watching the horseman.

"Insurance policy," Lucifer said.

The group reached the yard lot by daylight. They soon notice the two intruders, waiting for their arrival.

"Who the hell are they," Adam muttered, texting Bobby's cellphone.

Peter watched them exit the car with their guns raised. He stared at their weapons, feeling the small amounts of heat coming from them. Marie bumped his arm, silently telling him not to react.

"I was just thinking about it," Peter muttered.

"Who the hell are you," Sam spat, holding the colt.

"That one has a pretty weapon," Peter said, nodding at Sam.

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