Chapter 65- Child's Play

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WARNINGS: Violence; Slight Sexual Content; Mentions of Cannibalism

Dean was getting food for Sam and himself. Adam had up and vanished after saying yes to Michael. Neither of them had the heart to tell Will yet.


Dean sighed and rolled his eyes while turning to face Crowley.

"What do you want, Crowley," Dean asked, returning to his grocery shopping, "Don't you have a hell to run?"

"It's about your brother," Crowley said, walking with him at a safe distance.

"Which one? I have like three," Dean asked, picking up a bag of chips.

"Your twin," Crowley said.


"Shh! Are you trying to get us caught," Crowley hissed, "Idiot!"

Dean was now confused. Why was he on edge?

"Yes. That one. Why isn't he with you," Crowley asked, "Or better yet, why isn't he locked up?"

"Locked up? What are you talking about," Dean asked, shaking his head.

"He doesn't have a soul, Dean," Crowley snapped.

"What do you mean he doesn't have a soul? Of course, he does," Dean scoffed.

"No, he doesn't. I mean think about it. Hasn't he been acting a bit odd," Crowley asked.

Dean has been thinking about it. He's been thinking about it since the night he left his house. Will has been acting strange. And as much as Dean tried to push his suspicions down, he couldn't.

Something is seriously wrong with his brother.

"Why should I trust what you say," Dean asked.

"We've been over this, Dean. Never trust anyone. But if you are smart enough, you'll look into it," Crowley said.

"Why are you even worried about Will," Dean asked, "I thought you hated us."

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not your biggest fan either. But I learned not to underestimate you flannel-wearing lumberjacks. Will without a soul just spells trouble for everyone, including me," Crowley explained, "So fix it... Moron!"

Then he disappeared, like he wasn't even there. Dean was left with more questions, regarding Will's condition. He decided to give Hannibal a call on the way to his car.


"Hannibal, is Will with you right now," Dean asked.

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