Chapter 30- Where You Stay Now

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WARNINGS: Major Character Death; Sexual Assault; Trauma Response

Will, Sam, and Adam struggled against their telekinetic restraints. Dean was pinned to the table.

"Y'know, I'm getting really tired of being pinned against walls without my consent," Adam snapped.

"Lilith," Dean gritted.

Lilith's eyes shifted as she spoke about how mature she felt in Ruby's vessel.

"This feels... Inappropriate," Will said.

"Shut up."

Will grimaced as he felt something inside of his chest squeezing. He cried out in pain before she stopped. Blood dripped down his chin and onto his clothes.

"Hello, Sam," Lilith said, walking up to him, "I wanted to do this for a very long time."

Sam gave a look of disgust as she kissed. Dean and Adam both looked offended by the assault.

"Your lips are so soft..."

"At least take him to dinner first," Adam scoffed.

Adam cried out in pain as something in his chest was now crushing.

"I heard you boys had naughty mouths but this is ridiculous," Lilith said, removing the pressure from Adam's chest.

"Bite me," Will spat.

"Don't tempt me," Lilith smirked.

"So this is your big plan? Drag me to hell, kill Sam, then what," Dean asked, "Become Queen Bitch?"

"I don't have to answer you, puppy chow," Lilith sneered, walking over to the door.

She opened it, allowing the hellhounds in.

"Sic him..."


Will closed his eyes, not wanting to see what happened next. It was a cowardly move, but it was easier than watching it.

Still he could hear Dean, crying out in pain as his guts ripped open. Sam and Adam desperately begged her to stop the hounds from killing him.

Will felt tears fall from behind his eyelids as he escaped into his head. He didn't mean for it to happen, but he did.

He stood at the stream, trying to catch the passing fish. He heard laughter next to him, causing him to look over.

"How long are we doing this," Sam asked.

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