Chapter 16- Where Are You Now?

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WARNINGS: Mentions of Self-Worth Issues

About a week and a half later, Hannibal went to answer his front door. Will stood there with a duffel bag and a sad expression.

"Is it too late to come home," Will asked, trying his best to keep himself together.

Hannibal stepped aside to let him in. He closed the door and locked it before grabbing him something to drink.

"Are you alright, Will," Hannibal asked, handing him a glass of liquor.

"Can I be honest?"

"Of course, you can," Hannibal said.

Will shook his head.


Hannibal set his glass down and went up to him. Will instantly wrapped his arms around the older man.

"Tell me how to make it better," Hannibal said.

"I'm too tired to talk right now," Will said.

"Would you prefer sleeping with me tonight," Hannibal asked.


Will allowed himself to be led upstairs by his hand. He took a warm shower, allowing his tension and past events to melt down the drain.

"Maybe this is who I'm meant to be. That's why dad asked you to kill me," Sam reasoned, appalled at his own actions.

"Shut up, Sam," Dean spat.

Will washed his scalp as more flashbacks returned.

"Knowing any of us is a curse, isn't it," Adam asked, watching Dean fail to reach Bobby.

"Perhaps, you're right," Will whispered.

Will turned off the water and dried himself with a towel.

"Dean, I'm barely able to help you because you're borderline-suicidal! Sooner or later, this life is going to kill us," Will reasoned.

"Then why are you still here?! No one asked you to join us! If it hurts that much, get the hell out," Dean snapped.

Will put on some clean boxers and t-shirt for bed.

"But whatever I do to you, is nothing compared to what you do to yourself, is it," Meg taunted, smirking at Dean.

Will leaned against the sink with his head down.

"You couldn't save your dad. And deep down, you know that you can't save your brothers," Meg continued.

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