Chapter 7- When We Were Young

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WARNINGS: Mentions of Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Blood Consumption, and Childhood Trauma

Will parked in front of Hannibal's home, debating on going in. He decided it was best to leave him out of this part of his life.

Will drove to his old home back in Wolf Trap. It's where Sam and the others are meeting him. Also where he kept his hunter's stuff hidden.

He rushed into his shed, dragging everything back inside his abandoned home. Will glue-salted the sills and doorways first.

He learned a long time ago, he was better off gluing the salt down. No chance of blowing it away if it's glued. Then he spray painted a few sigils around the home for more protection.

He paused thinking he heard a noise nearby. Then he continued his work after brushing it off as paranoia.

Placing three large water buckets in front of him, he let his three rosemary necklaces float down. While reciting the words for holy water, he cleaned his guns and reloaded them.

Once he finished, he filled spray bottles with the holy water and hid them in crevices of his hideout.

Although he was no longer a hunter anymore, he still remembers the years of training he's received. Guess he could thank John for that one.

He heard the sound again and stood to his feet with guns and weapons clipped to his body straps.

He raised his rifle, waiting patiently for the demon to show its face. His finger teased the trigger as he watched the window.

He saw a face appear before the person jumped out of sight.

"Whoa! Will, it's us! It's Dean, Adam, and Sam," Dean reassured.

"How do I know that," Will asked, "You can be possessed by the demon!"

"Okay, we'll prove it. I'm gonna open the door. Don't blow our heads off," Dean said, slowly opening the front door.

Will watched kept his gun raised as they all walked past the salt circle. He cautiously lowered the gun to his side.

"So you got out of hunting, huh," Dean asked, glancing around at the work he did.

"I got out of hunting. That doesn't mean I forgot the years of training," Will said, "Where's Dad?"

"He had to handle something..."

"Of course, he did," Will scoffed, turning his back.

"Hey, he'll be back. Right now, we need to know everything you saw," Dean reasoned.

Will recounted the events that led up to now. Sam sat up on the stool with loads of questions.

"So you have visions? Will, are you psychic," Sam asked.

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