Chapter 11- Pieces Of Who I Was

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After he finished explaining, Hannibal had an unreadable expression on his face.

"You're right. I think you're insane," Hannibal said.

"I know."

"Ghosts? Monsters? Hunters? Will, is that why you were asking weird questions during our last session," Hannibal asked, "You thought I was... One of those?"

"Yeah, I did. But at the same time, I was paranoid," Will reasoned.

"Okay. I don't know what is going on," Hannibal started.

"I wish I could explain my whole life story, so you'd understand. But right now, I can't. My family needs me, and I need you to trust me," Will said.

"How am I supposed to trust this," Hannibal asked, "You have given me no hard evidence of anything."

Will limped towards him.

"I don't want to lose you, but this is bigger than us," Will said, "So if you need me to walk away, I will understand."

"I worked too hard to lose you now. All I'm asking is for proof," Hannibal said.

"Hannibal, how am I supposed to prove something that isn't supposed to be real," Will asked.

Hannibal took a deep breath and dropped his head.



"Will, if you think that this changes anything, you're wrong. I still... I still want you," Hannibal said, changing his words last minute, "But right now, I need time to think."

Hannibal turned to the door and paused as Will started talking.

"Check on my side of the closet. There should be a chest," Will said, "The code is 2579. When I come back, I'll let you decide where we go from here."

Hannibal looked over his shoulder at him. Then he walked over, pulling him into a kiss. Will stiffened before melting.

"If you don't come back, I'll track you down," Hannibal said.

"Hannibal, a part of me would be hollow without you. I will find a way to come back to my husband," Will reassured.

Hannibal stared at him in disbelief. Will smiled at him as he tried to question whether he heard correctly.


"Yes, darling," Will said, watching him smile, "My husband."

"Say that again," Hannibal said softly.

"You will be my husband," Will said.

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