Chapter 57- Brave Little Angel

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Next week, the Winchesters got a lead on where Lucifer may be. Now they along with Jo, Ellen, and Castiel were planning to go kill the devil with the colt.

Castiel walked through the town of reapers. So many of them were gathered in one place. It was a bit disturbing to think of what catastrophe awaited the world.

He noticed one was moving inside of the building and decided to tail him. Castiel walked down the hallway before a bright flash blinded him.

Before he could run, he was trapped in a ring of holy fire. He mentally cursed at himself for his lack of caution.

His wings folded tightly against his body, desperately avoiding the flames. Even still, the heat was enough to cause discomfort.

He could hear talking in the background before making eye contact with Lucifer. Soon he noticed three other strong entities nearby. He could very well be wrong, but it felt like the other archangels.

"Lucifer," Castiel said.

"I take it, you're here with the Winchesters," Lucifer asked, having heard about Castiel's shift of loyalty.

Castiel shuffled from foot-to-foot uncomfortably. Lucifer could tell he was about to lie, making a smirk appear on his face.

"Loyalty. Such a nice quality to see these days," Lucifer chuckled loud enough to make Michael roll his eyes.

Castiel was expecting a fight or to be smited. He knew it was a losing battle for him either way, but the wait just made him antsy.

Lucifer recalled the idea his brothers had presented. The plan to leave heaven behind and ditch the play book on the Apocalypse.

Apparently, Castiel would play a major role in their escape. Which is why he made sure to get him alone. Another reason why the angel was still breathing.

"Castiel, right," Lucifer asked, circling him.

Castiel took in his wings as he did. They were pink, and Castiel couldn't tell if it was from his injuries or by choice.

He couldn't help, but stare at the blood dripping from one of his wings. It left a red streak down his feathers that Lucifer didn't seem to notice.

His wings were large though. Much larger than his, that's for sure. They dragged behind him as he walked.

His focus returned after Lucifer asked him a question.

"Castiel, I'm told you came here in an automobile," Lucifer said, warming his hands over the fire.

"Yes," Castiel said, unsure how the car related to the situation at hand.

"What was that like," Lucifer asked.

His intensely aggressive aura shifted to one of deep curiosity. It made Castiel's wings relax a little.

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