Chapter 25- Broken Minds Filled With Guilt

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WARNINGS: Intoxication; Self-Harm; Trauma Responses

Will sat at the table with Sam after Dean and Adam were asleep. They researched more possible loopholes for Dean's situation.

"Hey, Will, I think I got something."

Will looked up from his laptop and moved to sit next to Sam.

"So get this, apparently there's a man who was considered immortal. If we get that for Dean, then maybe he'll..."

"There's no way in hell Dean would willingly agree with this. You know that, right," Will said, cutting him off.

"It's worth a shot at least. We're running out of time here. Dean hasn't exactly been very helpful in keeping himself safe either," Sam said.

"What do you mean," Will asked.

"I mean, he's reckless now. I get it that he's going through this in his own way, but I'm starting to wonder if he's trying to go to hell early," Sam sighed.

Will noticed him beginning to chew on his nails. It's a nervous tick Sam had developed overtime.

"Sam, it's only been about three months. We still have nine months left before those demons come for his soul," Will reassured.

Sam gave a short nod, slowly calming down.

After Sam fell asleep, Will took a walk with a pack of beer in hand. He chugged his last one while staggering a bit.

He lost mom. He lost dad. He lost his chosen life. He almost lost Sam. And now... Dean. Will is about to lose Dean.

Will threw his empty beer bottle at the brick wall in frustration. He was tired of this shit. He's tired of burying the people he loved.

"Hey, man. Are you okay...?"

"Do I look okay," Will snapped, his drunkenness drowning his logic, "Huh?!"

"Do we have a problem?"

"Why? You want to fight me, princess," Will asked, getting in the man's face.

"I'm only gonna tell you once to back up," the man said.

"Or what? I got nothing to lose," Will sneered, grinning at him.

The man punched him in the nose, making Will stagger. He laughed as blood dripped into his mouth.

"Is that all you got," Will asked, swaying on his feet, "Come on!"

He felt the fists continue attacking him. Will knew he could fight them off. He knew he could probably bury all of them, but he let the beating happen.

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