Chapter 35- Too Stubborn To Die

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WARNINGS: Implications Self-Mutilation


Bobby answered his front door. He's already been receiving a bunch of weird calls.

There's no way, right? Dean is dead. He's been dead. How could he possibly...

He stared as Dean stood in front of him. He looked relieved to see him. Bobby's face ,however, held a look of shock.


The next thought that traveled through his mind was, this is a monster. Maybe it's a shapeshifter, pretending to be Dean. Thankfully, Bobby was itching to kill something.

"I don't..."

"Yeah, me neither," Dean chuckled, stepping through the threshold, "But here I am..."

He grabbed the nearby silver knife and attempted to attack the 'monster'. After a short tussle, Dean proved that it's truly him.


"That's what I've been trying to tell you," Dean said softly.

Bobby pulled him into a bear hug, giving him a gentle squeeze while fighting tears.

"It's damn good to see you, boy," Bobby said.

"Yeah, you too," Dean smirked.

Still, how was this possible? Nobody escapes hell unscatched like this.

"How did you even bust out," Bobby asked.

"I don't know," Dean started, turning to set the silver knife down, "I just woke up in a..."

He subtly flinched as his face was splashed with holy water. Bobby watched his reaction closely as Dean blinked in confusion. He turned to Bobby, slightly annoyed.

"I'm not a demon either, you know," Dean reassured.

At least, Dean could appreciate Bobby making sure he was human.

"Sorry. Can't be too careful," Bobby shrugged.

He handed Dean a towel while he explained how little he remembered.

"That doesn't make a lick of sense," Bobby muttered.

"I know..."

"Dean, your chest was ribbons," Bobby reasoned.

Dean smothered a chill.

"I know. I should look like a 'thriller' video reject," Dean sassed, "Sam's number isn't working. Adam blocked me. I'm pretty sure Will just cursed my children and grandchildren... Then blocked me."

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