Chapter 21- All For Nothing

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WARNINGS: Slight Violence

A day later, Will stood outside, waiting for yellow-eyes while he tried to reach Dean, Adam, or Bobby. He was finally able to recharge his phone. But for some reason, he couldn't reach anyone whatsoever.

That only raised his concern for Sam's health. He glanced around the wood-like scenery. It would be eerily beautiful, if he wasn't here to meet a demon.

"What now," Will asked, feeling his presence behind him.

"Now, I need you to take this," yellow-eyes said, handing him the colt, "And unlock that door like a good boy."

Will noticed there was a bullet inside of the gun. If he killed yellow-eyes then...

"You kill me, little brother stays dead. Don't you want to save your Sammy," yellow-eyes asked.

Will wanted to kill him so badly, but he was right. Sam is still dead. He promised Dean he'd bring him back. He promised Dad he'd protect his brothers, no matter what.

Will listened to the directions yellow-eyes gave him. He silently pondered if this deal was actually sealed in place. Is Sam going to come back like he swore?

"This deal..."

"Even I have needs, William. I need Sam. You need Sam. We're working towards the same goal," yellow-eyes reasoned, knowing where his doubt was coming from.

"What is this door for anyway," Will asked.

"This door holds the soul of your dead family," yellow-eyes explained, "Now run along. We're burning daylight, princess."

Will hesitated before going on his trek to the door. As soon as he placed the colt in the lock, he heard footsteps behind him.

"Put your hands... Will?"

Will sucked in his breath at seeing Sam alive. It worked!

"He brought you back," Will grinned.

"What the hell did you just do," Bobby asked.

Before he could answer, the large door opened. Everyone dropped to the ground as hoards of demons rushed past them. Sam, Ellen, and Bobby worked together to close the gate back up.

Dean began fighting a losing battle against yellow-eyes. Will shot rock-salt at the demon, knocking him down for a brief moment. He kicked the gun towards Dean, giving him a chance to finish the job.

Yellow-eyes shoved Will to a tree, holding him there. He struggled against the restraints on him. He helplessly watched him start beating Dean with his fists. Dean lifted his eyes to see Sam attempting to hold him back.

Will gave a look of disbelief as he saw John's soul, helping Sam. The demon was forcefully expelled from his vessel, losing his hold on Dean and Will.

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