Chapter 53- Shutting Out The Memories

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WARNINGS: Suicidal Ideation; Sexual Content; Wing Kink; Grace Kink; Piercings; Masturbation; Symptoms of Survivor's Guilt

Dean downed the rest of his liquor. It had already been a couple weeks since Will died. He's tried every possible means of getting him back. Castiel couldn't do anything either, due to most of his power being cut off from heaven.

All of this just made Dean more aggressive towards Sam. It wasn't on purpose. He only did it because he needed someone to blame. Unfortunately, Sam was the only person who stuck around.

At least, he was sticking around. Now he's gone too. He's not dead, thankfully. But Sam and Dean went their separate ways.

Sadly, Adam was stuck in the middle of it all. Dean wondered if he should call him up and check in. He set the empty liquor bottle by his feet as he heard the sound of an angel arriving.

Dean quickly assumed it to be Zachariah.

"What the hell do you... Cas," Dean asked, "What are you doing back so soon?"

Dean hadn't exactly told Castiel what happened to Will. But he knew the angel felt his grief.

"I heard what happened to Will..."

He stiffened as Dean wrapped his arms around him. Castiel slowly tested the new boundaries of returning the hug. Dean didn't show any sign of discomfort at the action.

Castiel's eyes softened at the show of trust towards him. Dean let go of him, making Castiel reach for his hand. He retracted his arm before he could grab him though.

"I thought you were out searching for the big G," Dean said.

"I'm not searching for a giant letter, Dean. I'm looking for God," Castiel said, squinting his eyes in confusion.

"It's a... Nevermind. What are you doing here," Dean asked.

Castiel dropped his eyes to the ground.

"I thought I should check on you."

"Since you know about Will, I need you to retrieve his body," Dean said, "I wanted to bury him for now."

"I already checked, Dean. Will's body must've disintegrated when Lucifer was set free," Castiel said.

Dean swiped his hand over his mouth in frustration. He blinked away his tears. Bringing him back would be damn near impossible now.

He could try to make a deal again, but the crossroad demons are avoiding Winchesters these days.

"Where's Sam," Castiel asked, barely noticing that Dean was alone, "And Adam?"

"Last I heard, Adam is staying with Bobby. Sam is... Gone. He left," Dean said, forcing a smile, "Then again, I pushed him to leave."

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