Chapter 6- Questions And Doubts

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WARNINGS: Mentions of Starvation

The next morning, Will stirred awake to see Hannibal next to him. He leaned over to kiss his lips before sliding out of bed.

"Getting out of bed so soon," Hannibal asked, his voice still sleepy.

"I have a case to solve," Will said.

"I'm surprised you didn't have a nightmare," Hannibal said, sitting up to take him in.

His eyes trailed down Will's naked body. Almost like he was fucking him in his head.

"Maybe you scare them away," Will smirked.

"At least let me cook you breakfast," Hannibal offered.

"No time. I gotta run before Crawford decides to drag me down to the station himself," Will said, grabbing items for a quick shower.

Hannibal got out of bed and went to make breakfast anyway. He'll raise hell if Will ends up passing out from hunger... He's done it before.

By the time he finished, Will was coming downstairs. He was dressed and somewhat shaved. Hannibal took in a whiff of his after-shave.

"You've been using the products I gave you," Hannibal asked.

"I figured it was a better scent," Will shrugged, doing a double-take, "Naked breakfast? I'm tempted to call in sick now."

Will stalked closer, examining him.

"You have to go to work, Will," Hannibal said, "I personally would not enjoy answering the door nude. I'm certain Crawford wouldn't either."

Will chuckled as he thought of how awkward that would be. He grabbed the sealed breakfast.

"Make sure you eat," Hannibal said.

"I will..."

"Will," Hannibal said, a warning heard in his tone.

"I promise I will," Will reassured, planting a quick kiss on his lips.

Hannibal watched him leave before going to get dressed.

Will stopped at the school to prepare for a lecture. While he was preparing, he ate the breakfast Hannibal made him.

"Smells good."

Will lifted his eyes to Alana Bloom. He smiled warmly at her.

"Hannibal made it for me," Will said.

"Did he? You two have gotten awfully close. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you're dating him," Alana said.

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