Chapter 14- Dreaming Of Possibilities

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WARNINGS: Mentions of Emotional and Physical Abuse

After he finished washing up, Will went to heat up his leftovers in the microwave. However, he quickly noticed his food was missing.

"Dean, did you eat my leftovers," Will asked, glaring at him.

"Why do you think I ate your leftovers," Dean asked.

Will threw him a bitchface. Dean pouted at his irritated expression.

"Shut up and no," Dean said.

"I didn't even say anything," Will said.

"You were thinking about it," Dean said.

"Look who's the psychic now," Will sassed.

Dean rolled his eyes as Will decided on a frozen burrito instead. They were all still hunting the yellow-eyed demon together, especially after John's death.

So far there's been no sign of him, except for Sam's random abilities.

"Hey, Will," Dean said, keeping his eyes on the laptop's screen, "You jumped in front of that gun without a second thought today."

"He was gonna kill Sam," Will said.

"He would've killed you too," Dean reasoned, "I appreciate you looking out for us, but you gotta be careful."

"I promised to protect all of you. No matter what," Will said, meeting his eyes.

"We're here to protect each other," Dean corrected, getting up.

Will sighed deeply and mindlessly began searching for the yellow-eyed demon.

"He's hiding, isn't he," Adam asked, making him glance over.

"What do you mean," Will asked.

"You're searching for the demon. You do it without intending to," Adam said.

"You've been watching me," Will asked.

"Trying to make sure you don't kill yourself with your powers," Adam smirked, "Think he's scared?"

"No. I think he's plotting," Will said.

"How are you holding up by the way," Adam asked, "I mean, you were practically thrown back into the hunting world."

"I adjust quickly," Will said, retrieving his burrito after it finished.

"You don't miss your life back home," Adam asked.

"Why are you asking me all of these questions," Will asked, suspiciously.

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