Chapter 27- The Real Monster

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WARNINGS: Mentions of Inhumane Killing; Sexual Innuendos

Tyler reached his destination and took the clothes hanging from a clothes line, after turning human. After putting them on, he walked into the bar.

"Tyler! What brings you here?"

Tyler sat at the table with other skinwalkers.

"I need some information," Tyler said.

"That Winchester still has you on a leash, I see," one of them snickered.

"That Winchester has a name," Tyler snapped, "You'll do well to show some respect."

"I'm not afraid of some hunter," he spat.

"Jordan, shut up! Are you trying to get us killed," the leader of the small group reprimanded.

"It's one human hunter," Jordan continued, "Are you saying you're scared of him, Courtney?"

"Have you seen that man hunt? Or any of the Winchesters," Courtney asked, "They make us look harmless."

"I remember encountering one of them. Scariest day of my fucking life," another one added, "I'm surprised I'm still alive."

"What did you say you needed again, Tyler," Courtney asked.

"Information," Tyler said.


"Lilith," Tyler said, lowering his voice.

"Are you seriously asking us to help you find Lilith?! You are insane," Jordan hissed.


"Look, I already have eyes on me. And gaining info on her would be suicide," Jordan said.

"The Winchesters are tracking her down," Tyler said.

"Their funeral, not mine," Jordan said, drinking his beer.

"Come on, Jordan. You gotta know something," Tyler said.

Jordan stared at him for a moment before sighing in defeat.

"You're lucky I like you. I'll tell you what you need to know, in exchange for something," Jordan said.

"What do you want," Tyler asked.

"One of those fancy meals that your new owner makes," Jordan said.

"I heard the guy cooks human meat," Courtney said, making conversation.

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