Chapter 1

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Skyler Moores POV/:

Most kids are given the world from their parents, a full cooked breakfast before their first day of school, taught how to shift for the first time on a full moon, gifts on birthdays and holidays, help with homework on weekends......but not me.

I was never given any of those things and honestly I didn't really even have family hated me, or one would even approach me for that reason, or anyone in fact.

I grew up the outcast of my pack, the Omega they use for target practice and as a punching bag.

I'm use to it and you would think after years of dealing with it I would be numb to it as well....but that wasn't the case. I felt everything deeply and I hated it so at times I'd act as if I don't if their words doesn't affect and the punches doesn't leave scars.

I woke up in the basement of our family home, it was where my room was. I didn't have much down here just a ragged old bed with an itchy blanket. I had clothes but not many only around 5 outfits that I mix and match to make it look like more and one pair of shoes that were pretty much falling apart.

I lived with my mother and father who's the beta of the Winston pack, in fact the Moore family is a family of betas....Well everyone except me of course. I'm sure that's why they hate me so much, that and the fact that I'm intersex. I have a sister named Chasity and a brother named Chase....we're not close.

Truthfully I'm not close with anyone in our family not even the cat.

When I was younger I was never allowed to do anything with them, not even use the same bathroom. I wasn't allowed in their rooms or around them or their friends. Being close to them was not an option. My mother and father said it's because they didn't want me to do something to them, like I was some sort of sick perverted rapist or something.

I never understood why they thought I would do something so disgusting like that to my younger siblings, It was weird.

I showered and pulled on a black T shirt and my only but favorite pair of ripped blue jeans and a red hoodie. I had this weird mark on my inner forearm that was kind of shaped like the moon but I didn't like people seeing it. It would only be one other thing for the kids at school to pick at me about.

I pulled my curly hair up in a bun before grabbing my book bag and making my way upstairs.

I got upstairs and everyone immediately rolled their eyes at my presence. "Ew Look what just crawled out of the basement" said Chastity as she snickered. I just ignored her and went over to the refrigerator grabbing a banana. They all were at the table eating breakfast that my mom had cooked but I didn't see a plate or even a seat for me which was they're way of saying your not eating with us.

Just then my dad Allen cleared is throat. "Chasity, Chase do you want a ride to school?" He asked. "Yes of course daddy" said Chasity with a smile. "Yeah dad I don't mind a ride" said chase "Well ok I'll take you just get in the car when you're ready" said dad. dad then smiled before looking looking at me and his mood completely changed.

"You can walk to school it's not that far, I don't want you in the car near my children" He says before getting up and taking his keys with him and leaving out of the door.

I hung my head low tears threatening to form in my eyes but I didn't let them.

Chase then walked over bumping my shoulder, "Oops" he said nearly knocking me over. Chase and Chasity were both two years younger then me both 15 and I'm 17 but their already taller and way stronger then me.

I was the last to leave the house and the last to get to school. The school was pretty far from our house but I was used to the walking so I didn't complain. I got inside and inside went to start walking to class when I was suddenly pushed into the lockers causing me to drop all of my things and fall. "Watch where your going freak" said Teddy one of the Alpha of our pack sons.

Teddy was one of my main bullies at this school and in the pack he made sure to be the first to make my life a living hell.

"You slammed into me" I mumbled as I picked up my books. "What the fuck did you just say?" He says I looked up at him with a fed up look on my face "I said you Slammed into me, isn't it you who should watch where your-" I said but was cut off by Teddy slamming his fist into my face. "You Stupid Fucking Freak Who Do You Think Your Talking Back To?!" He said as him and two of his little buddies kicked and punched me.

After a moment they stopped and Teddy Smirked seeing me curled up on the ground in pain.

"Your just a weak ass Omega, Know your place next time" he said before spitting at me but hitting the floor instead then walking away.

I don't remember how long I laid there on the floor but I knew that I missed my first period class. After a while I finally got up and made my way to the bathroom before spitting up blood into the toilet.

My everything was hurting.

I would go to the nurses office but she's a part of our pack as well and know who I am so she'll refuse to help me.

I guess I'll just have to wait and heal up on my own. I went to the sink after flushing the toilet and splashed water on my face. Just then someone came in and I noticed it was my sister Chasity and some of her friends. "Ew why the fuck are you in the girls rest room?!" She says looking at me in disgust.

"Because I'm a girl" I answered tiredly. Chasity laughed "No your not your a freak who should be using the boys bathroom" she said as her friends snickered behind her. I sighed "I was just leaving anyways" and tried to leave but Chasity stepped in front of the exit with a wicked smile.

"I don't want to see you in here ever again freak or you're going to regret it" she said but I ignored her and left out of the bathroom.

Where the fuck else am I supposed to go if I can't use the girls bathroom?, I finally made my way to class and sat down the teacher hadn't arrived yet and I had this class with Teddy so he took the time to torture me.

Even if the teachers were to it wasn't like they were going to do anything, Teddys dad donates a lot of money to the school so whenever Teddy or his other two brothers and sisters do something wrong they just ignore it or cover it up. I'm pretty damn sure they've got footage of them torturing me daily.

I was already pretty on edge because mate season was near which means it was almost time for me to find my mate only to be rejected again.

Over the years I've had 3 mates one when I was 13 one when I turned 14 and one when I was 16 but wolves are supposed to find their official mates at 13 but mine rejected me.

I didn't have a wolf like everyone else and I couldn't shift so I had to rely on my senses to tell me when my mate was near.

Just as I was pulling out my books for class a piece of balled up paper hit me before landing on my desk.

What is this?, I opened the paper only to read Freak in big bold letters. I turned around to see Teddy and his friends laughing, I fucking hate them, Soon the teacher came in and began the lesson for the day.

Time went by and after like 3 classes it was time for lunch. I grabbed my lunch Trey and looked around for a table until finally I saw an empty one. I walked over and sat down before opening my plastic silverware. I didn't eat breakfast this morning so I was starving.

I began to eat my food when I smelt the smell of motor oil and cheese. Please don't be what I think it is, the smell was getting closer which meant the person was getting closer and they were looking for me.

"Mate" said a familiar voice in a disgusted tone I turned around dreading seeing this persons face.

It was teddy

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