Chapter 6

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Kaitlyn Night POV/:

I spent the entire class hour staring at her, I couldn't help it. I couldn't believe that I had finally found my mate after all this time. I wanted to be closer to her I wanted to know her, to touch her....and to-

"Whoa there perverted much"   Said Lena I rolled my eyes. "Oh shut up you were thinking the same" I replied in my head. "You're right"  Lena replied with a light chuckle. When Lena went quiet I went back to staring at my mate, I saw the girl next to her touch her arm and instantly felt a bit of jealousy.

I didn't really like that.

Was she her girlfriend?, what if she is....if she is then that would mean my mates going to reject me....i don't want my mate to reject me that would suck. I felt a pinching pain in my heart thinking about her saying those words to me.

"Geez, Stop overthinking Kate they could just be friends" said Lena. "Yeah but what if they aren't?" I asked "You don't know what they are you haven't even talked to our mate yet, you don't even know her name, go talk to her first don't just assume" Lena said, I sighed she was right I needed to talk to her first even if there is a possibility that I'll be rejected.

Class ended and everyone packed up in began to leave, I did the same while refusing to take my eyes off of my mate. By now she probably noticed me staring but I didn't really care, I wanted her to know.

I watched as she left the class with that girl and I immediately followed.

Goddess I probably looked like a complete stalker following them is what it is.

I needed to catch up to her, I was walking closely behind them about to reach out and touch my mates shoulder when suddenly the girl with her turned around and grabbed my wrist gripping it tightly before slamming me against the lockers.

"Why are you following us?" She growled. I saw my mate standing behind her and suddenly I couldn't form words. "It's ok Selena she's my mate" she said the girl  loosed her grip on me after hearing that before backing away. "Oh" she said before turning to look at my mate, "Our next hour isn't until a few minutes I'll come find you then" she said reading the situation and giving me and my mate some alone time to talk.

Once she was gone I was excited to finally talk to my mate, to know her name. I opened my mouth to speak but my mate beat me to the punch.

"If you're going to reject me just get it over with already" she said squeezing her eyes shut.

Reject her?, I was confused why would she think I was going to reject her?. "Speak you idiot " said Lena in my head I rolled my eyes but ignored her.

"I'm not going to reject you I just wanted to talk to you and find out your name" I said softly because it seemed like the situation caused for it. She reopened her eyes...those gorgeous blue eyes. Just the sight of her was driving me crazy right now and it took everything in my not to pull her into me and bury my face in her neck taking in her sweet scent.

I was holding back big time right now. She seem shocked but relieved at me words.

Just how many times have she been rejected for her to had automatically think I was going to do the same?.

And who would be crazy enough to reject her, she's......Well perfect.

"I'm Skyler" she mumbled shyly but I was still able to hear her. Skyler.....I like that name....i like her. "Nice to meet you Sky I'm Kate" I said with a smile.
I stepped closer and reached out wanting to hold her hand but she stepped away. Which hurt me a little, does she not like me?.

Rejected By The Alpha To Be Where stories live. Discover now