Chapter 27

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Skyler Reinhart POV/:

Night came and as promised to celebrate me becoming the new alpha, Paris, Selena, Zack and I all went out to the new 18 in older club. Sadly Jason couldn't come because he's only 17.

We all ended up taking my car, Selena rode in the front seat with me while the other two sat in the back. After a few minutes we arrived and all made our way inside, after showing our ids of course. The moment I stepped inside I was greeted by loud music and colorful lights. The club was just about crowded with how many people were in here, I bumped into at least four people as I followed Selena and the others straight to the bar.

We all sat at the counter and Zack ordered a round of shots. "We're going to get so fucked up tonight I hope you guys are ready" said Zack with a big smile as he looked around the club. "Look at him he's already searching for his hit of the night" whispered Selena in my ear, I chuckled "I heard that fat ass" said Zack  "I'm not even fat" said Selena "yeah Keep telling yourself that" said Zack before making a face like something caught his eye.

Just in time the bartender brought out our four shots and Zack, Paris and Selena all downed theirs. I was the only one sitting there looking at the full shot glass hesitantly. "Ok, good talking to you guys, I'm going to my own thing" said Zack before dancing away until I saw him approach a girl still moving his body as they were on the dance floor.

"Man whore" said Selena. Just then Paris looked over at me and noticed I wasn't drinking my shot. "What's wrong?" Asked Paris "It's nothing I've just never drunk alcohol before" I said.

It was true, drinking was never something I got to experience I'm not sure how I'd react to it so I was worried.

"Relax Sky just down it in one go it'll help you loosen up a bit" said Selena I sighed and looked at the glass. I wonder if Kate's done this before, I thought suddenly.

I started to feel sad thinking about Kate, Selena noticed the sad expression on my face and slapped my back hard. "Ouch!?" I hissed "No!, I know what you're doing don't start sulking, tonight's a celebration not a funeral, just have fun" she said.

"But-" I said before being cut off "Take the shot Sky" said Selena. I looked over at Paris for help but he just looked away and started chatting it up with the cute male bartender as he ordered another drink.

"Traitor" I grumble to myself knowing that he could hear me.

I took a breath the lifted the glass to my mouth and downed it in one go like Selena said. The shot burned when it went down causing me to cringe. "There see wasn't that bad" said Selena "I disagree" I said as the bitter taste rested on my tongue.

Selena chuckled. Before leaning her head on her hand and looking at me "Sky are you still a virgin?" Asked Selena I looked at her stunned before answering her. "Why are you asking me that so suddenly Freak?" I asked, Selena laughed before smirking "Why are you getting so worked up?......did you do something naughty during your time away?" asked Selena teasingly. "Of course I didn't!?, my virginity is still intact" I said she chuckled once more before smiling. "What about you?" I asked "Nope I'm saving myself for my mate" said Selena.

That's right neither Selena, Paris, Jason or Zack has found mates yet.

"Let's get another round of drinks I'm not even feeling tipsy right now" she said before calling for the bartender. "two of your strongest drinks please handsome" she said to the blonde haired man. "Ok" said the bartender before beginning to mix our drinks.

"Um isn't a strong drink a bit too much for a first time drinker?" I asked Selena shook her head "You'll be fine" she said "How do you know that?!" I asked "(Because werewolves have a strong tolerance for alcohol it takes way more then just a shot and one strong drink to get us drunk") she said through our mind link as this club wasn't just filled with werewolves but humans as well.

"Alright I'll trust you on this one" I Said.

Some time later Paris ended up leaving with that cute bartender and taking him outside. It was kind of surprising because no one ever told me that Paris was into guys, I was sure he was a ladies man.....that's what I get for assuming I guess.

Selena ended up leaving as well when a tall handsome guy who came over and asked her to dance. She of course she made sure It was alright with me first and of course I said it was fine. I was still down and gloomy about Kate.

I didn't want to drag her down with me after she's tried so hard to get me to have fun.

I ended up being the only one at the bar when a girl walked over and sat down next to me. I paid her no mind and continued to sip the drink Selena ordered for me before she left.

This was my 5th drink and honestly I was starting to feel the affects a little."Hey there" said a mellow but alluring mature woman's voice. I ignored her and rested my head on my hand but the woman then moved closer so that she was in my view and my eyes met hers.

Only then was I forced to look at her.

She had short straight dark black hair that was cut into a bob and light ocean blue eyes. She wore a light lipstick and dangling hoop earrings that paired well with the tight dress and heels she was wearing. She was definitely older than me around 23 or 24 that I could tell by how her voice sounded. "You know it's rude to just ignore someone" she said.

I gave her a tried look before responding "It's even ruder to touch them without permission" I said referring to the fact that her hand was on my thigh. She smirked before removing her hand and resting her chin on top of her interlocked fingers after putting both her elbows on the bar counter.

"My apologies I tend to get touchy when I like what I see" she said clearly flirting with me.

I just decided to not respond and sip my drink silently in hope that she'll get the hint and leave but unfortunately for me she was stubborn. "So tell me whys a beautiful face like yours sitting her looking all depressed, let me guess girlfriend dumped you and now your looking for the answers as to why in the bottom of that drink?" She asked sounding as if she had experienced that before.

I mean she wasn't wrong but she wasn't right either I haven't even gave Kate the chance to dump me.

The woman smirked before speaking again this time leaning closer to my ear "You know there's a cure for broken hearts" she said "You wanna know what it is?" She asked before moving back to peer at me with those ocean blue eyes.

I sat my drink down and looked at her "No but I'm sure you're going to tell me anyways" I said.

"Smart girl, I'll give you a hint it starts with S and ends With X" she said. The woman ran a finger down my arm "It's also a said to be a very good workout" she added in case I was dumb enough to not understand her.

"I'm not interested" I said the woman sighed disappointedly before retracing her hand. "Ok, I'll make you another offer then but just know I don't do this for just anyone, it just so happens that I'm quite smitten with you........and I like a challenge" she said.

This woman was not giving up and doesn't know how to take a hint, yet she reminded me a bit of Kate with her boldness and outright flirting. I think that was the only reason why I decided to indulge her a bit.

"How about we just have a few drinks together and talk?" She asked, I shrugged. "As long as you're paying" I said she smiled "Fair, Bartender can I get two martinis" she said. "Yes ma'am" said the man before going to the back to prepare our drinks.

"I'm Donna by the way, can I have the luxury of at least knowing your name if not a hot steamy night together?" She asked. "Skyler" I replied ignoring the rest of what she said just now.

"That's a pretty name, I'll just call you Sky"

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