Chapter 34

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Kaitlyn Night POV/:

The next day I was sitting on the couch watching tv with my brother and his mate, Danny and Anna were cuddled together on one end while I sat on the other. I was fine and was having a great morning after texting with Sky all night long, until suddenly I started to feel as though I was over heating.

I looked at the weather app on my phone and saw that it was a cool windy day today. on top of that the ac is on in here, It's not even hot outside so why the hell am I burning up!?. I shook my head trying to focus on the Tv but I started to sweat heavily, Danny must've noticed because he looked at me worriedly "You good Katie?" He asked, I nodded my head yeah but then suddenly felt out of breath, my heart was beating fast and I was sure it was going to explode.

I dropped to the floor feeling a weird pain in the pit of my stomach, like a mixture of butterflies and a stomach ache. Danny immediately got up and rushed over to me "Hey what's wrong?" He asked checking me for any injuries, soon Anna followed coming to my side and feeling my forehead "She's burning up" Said Anna "So?, what does she have a fever or something?, I'll call mom and dad" said Danny taking out his phone but was stopped by Anna, "No don't, you need to call her mate instead" Said Anna, at this point I was breathing heavily and was struggling to slow my heartbeat. "Sky? Why would I call Sky?" He asked "Because her face is red, her heartbeat is out of control and she's burning up.....she's in heat for the first time" Said Anna.

Skyler Reinhart POV/:

I was walking through the halls of the school after asking the teacher if I could use the bathroom, this was my first week back in school and honestly I'm over it already. Luckily I won't have to stay for long considering I already did half of my 12 grade year before I left so now they said I only need to attend for the next 5 months and I'll be done .

I was just about to go to the bathroom when I heard Jason's sounded like he was in pain, and a few others I didn't recognize in the boys bathroom next to the girls bathroom, "What a pussy, look at him he won't even defend himself" said one guys voice. "What pack did he say he was from again?" Asked another guy, "The Reinhart pack" replied another then they all started to laugh "I heard their new Alpha is just as much of an pussy as this loser" said the first guy but then I heard a loud Thump and Jason groan in pain. That was my last straw I walked inside just in time to see him holding Jason by the shirt about to punch him in the face when I grabbed the guys shoulder and gripped it hard causing him to drop to his knees in front of me in pain.

I looked up at the other two who was about to attempt to attack me until I shook my head and gave them a death glare, "I wouldn't do that if I were you, one wrong move and I'll rip his arm off and use it to beat you two" I said.

The boys thought twice then decided to back down, I smirked "Well at least their smart" I said looking at the blond haired boy who's shoulder I still had my grip on as he groaned in pain, I then crouched down in front of the boy while Jason just sat up against the wall in shock.

"Who the fuck even are you?" Asked the blonde boy as he tried to stand but I pushed him back down on his knees harshly. "Hmm, let me think for a moment" I said making a thinking face before going back to staring at the boy, "Ah! Yes I believe I'm that pussy ass Alpha of the Reinhart pack" I said repeating what they called me. The boy looked up shocked before speaking "Whatever this isn't any of your damn business, so get your hands off of me" Said the boy. "What's your name?" I asked the boy, "I'm not telling you my-" he said but was cut off by the pain in his shoulder from me tightening my grip on him, his friends watched in fear.

"Ok ok, my names Neal!" The boy shouted. I smirked "Well Neal, Jason is my pack member and one of my dearest friends, some may even say he's like a little brother to me which is why seeing you and the two dumbasses over there hitting him pissed me off so bad" I said digging my fingers in his shoulder causing him to cry out in pain.

"Neal, do you know what happens to people who piss me off?" I asked, Neal was trembling as he looked at me, "N-No" he stuttered out "Would you like to find out" I asked forcing my eyes to glow as if I was in my wolf form. "N-No Please" he begged seeing the blood dripping from his shoulder as my grip on him was that tight.

"If this happens again you will" I said before letting go of his shoulder and standing up straight, Neal sighed a breath of relief before his friends helped him stand and they all left the bathroom in a hurry.

I walked over to Jason and helped him to his feet, he leaned up against the wall holding his ribs, "T-Thanks" he stuttered out avoiding my eyes, "Jason" I called out to him causing him to look at me for a moment "How long have they been bullying you?" I asked he didn't answer instead he just stood there quietly.

I sighed, I can't force him to answer me, but I want to help. Seeing him like that being hurt reminded me of myself when I was with the Winston pack getting brutally beat every day. The only difference is I wasn't an omega I just believed I was but Jason actually is an Omega.....rank 2 at that, he's not all that strong even though he works hard during pack training.

"Ok you don't have to tell me" I said walking over to pick up his stuff those ass holes no doubt dumped from his backpack all over the bathroom floor, as I was gathering his scattered things I noticed a book with two male characters on the cover of it holding hands. I went to reach for it but was stopped by Jason grabbing it up and stuffing it inside his book bag "Stop!, I-I got it, you can go now" he said looking away.

I sighed before standing up and handing him the things I did gather, just then my phone rang and I saw that Danny was calling. I had gave everyone my new number after my last phone got destroyed during training.

I answered the phone putting it up to my ear wondering why he would be calling in the middle of the day.

The call;
D- "hello? Skyler?

S- "Yeah? What's up Danny"

D-"how quick can you get over to us?"

S-"right now? I um it's not really the best time I'm in sh-"

D- "it's Kate she needs you"

s-"I'm on my way"
End of call;

After hanging up the phone I looked up at Jason who had heard the entire phone call "it's ok go I'll cover for you" he said, "Thanks I owe you one, we'll talk more about this later" I said before I immediately rushed down the halls and out of the school building making my way to my car and getting in.

I don't know how fast I was speeding and I didn't care the only thing that was on my mind was Kate.

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