Chapter 58

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Kaitlyn Night POV/:

It was early in the afternoon, I was sitting on the couch with my knees up and my daughter melody resting on them as I feed her a bottle of milk and watched my favorite show on the tv.

Sky had traveled to another's pack territory who said they were interested in a alliance with us which was understandable considering our pack had become one of the largest packs in the area since the last few mating seasons.

I was so into my show that I didn't realize that Mel had stopped eating and was falling to sleep.

The milk spilled down her face and I cursed myself "Oh shit, I'm sorry little one" I said to her even though she was knocked out as I wiped the milk from her mouth and neck.

I couldn't help but smile at her sleeping face goddess she's looking more and more like Sky everyday. I quite literally gave birth to her twin the most she has from me is my blonde hair everything else is most definitely Sky's even though sky would argue otherwise.

"Whats wrong I heard you curse?" Asked Paris poping his head in. He's been pretty nervous about being in charge of me and Melody's protection since Sky gave him the task. He's worried he'll mess up but I'm not sure how.

We are perfectly safe right now, nothing and no one is out to get us so he doesn't need to be so stressed.

"Paris?" I said "Yes?" He replied. "Nothing is going to fall out of the sky and attack us, stop worrying so much and relax" I said. He sighed and walked over to me seeing the baby in my arms and smiling.

"She is so cute" he said as he touched her little cheeks softly. I looked at him and smiled, "You would make a great dad, do you want kids Paris?" I asked he shrugged and sat down on the couch across from me. "I mean yeah of course I do, I just haven't found my mate yet" he said with a sad sigh. I felt bad I remembered how hopeless I felt when I thought I'd never find mine but look at me now I have the cutest daughter in the universe and the most amazing mate in the world.

I felt the atmosphere getting sad but you know there's three things that always cheers people up.

Kittens, puppies and babies.

"Hey Paris I have to use the bathroom could you take her to her nursery and put her down in her crib for me?" I asked as I stood up with Mel in my arms. "Oh yeah of course!" He said happily I walked over and placed Melody in his arms. "There we go, now go with uncle Paris he'll lay you down so you can sleep more comfortably" I said before kissing her forehead and smiling at Paris who seem to be beaming with joy because I think of him as one of her uncles as well.

I made my way to the bathroom after seeing pairs disappear upstairs with melody.

I actually did have to use it.

I walked in the bathroom and sat down on the toilet to do my business. After washing and drying my hands I came back out and walked back into to living to grab Melody's blanket, bottle and little stuffed wolf that that I left on the couch.

As I did so Paris came walking back downstairs with an urgent pace.

"What what's wrong,"  I asked fearing that something was wrong with Mel by the look on his face.

"It's nothing just a disturbance on our territory border lines, it's probably that little family of brown bears again I have to make sure they don't get through and cause any trouble" he said I nodded feeling relieved.

"Ok" I said as I turned on the kitchen sink water to wash Mel's bottle.

"I'll be right back for now I'll have two of the worrier wolves standing guard outside of the house" he said I nodded in understanding. It may seem like he's being too protective but I know this is protocol considering when the Alpha is away it's the packs most vulnerable time.

I finished washing the bottle and went to put it in the cabinets. I sat Mel's stuffed wolf down on the counter along with her blanket before going over to the refrigerator.

I was hungry and I hadn't eaten and all day. Just as I was about to make myself a sandwich I heard a loud explosion noise outside.

I rushed out the front door past the wolves standing guard only to see the woods across from us on fire and it quickly spreading. I was in shock as I stood there watching the flames until I felt someone's hand on my shoulder bringing me out of my daze.

"Luna" said Pairs out of breath beside me. "What's going on Paris?" I asked confused. "We're under attack" I he replied"By who?!" I asked. "I don't know there's a large army of wolves at our front lines our troops are trying to push them back but I fear they may break through any-" he said but stopped when he heard one of the wolves running towards us calling for him.

"THEY'VE BROKE THROUGH, WE HAVE TO GET THE WOMAN, ELDERLY AND CHILDREN TO SAFETY N-" said the wolf but was stopped by claws ripping through his abdomen.

I gasped "Oh My Goddess!?" I said in shock as the wolf spit up a mouth full of blood before falling to the ground after the enemy wolf behind him pulled out his claws and looked straight at me with an evil smile basically saying that I'm next.

Paris immediately stepped in front of me taking off his shirt.

"Get in the house Kate and get to my niece" he said bringing me out of my state of shock once again.

I nodded and immediately ran up to the porch before looking back one last time worriedly but when I seen the two wolves guarding the door go to back him up I felt more at ease about leaving him.

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