Chapter 56

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Skyler Reinhart's POV:

"Congratulations Alpha and Luna it's a......little girl?" said the doctor more as a question then a answer. I raised an eyebrow confused while Kate looked concerned.

"Doctor?" I said gaining her attention, "Oh I'm sorry it's just that um......She appears to have male genitals but it seems that she is most certainly a girl" said the doctor. I smiled "looks like she's already taking after of me" I said to Kate who just chuckled. We both knew that it was a possibility that our pup could be born intersex like I am so it wasn't all that surprising. I just hope that when she's older she takes pride in what she have instead of hiding it away like I did.

I kissed the back of Kate's hand before letting go and slowly walking over to see our little girl.

Yup that is definitely a penis. I watched as they put her diaper on and warped her in a blanket before handing her to me.

I carefully held her in my arms admiring her head full of platinum blonde hair like Kate's but it was curly like mine. Her eyes were half open and half closed but to my surprise she had my blue eyes.

I walked her over to Kate who was smiling big when I handed her our little pup. "Hi there baby girl" said Kate in the softest voice I have ever heard, who would've thought that she was the same woman who was terrified just moments ago and now it's as if all that fear has washed away.

I stood next to Kate with a smile on my face as we both looked lovingly at our newborn daughter.

"What are we going to name her?" Asked Kate I took my finger and gently brushed our little girls cheeks with it, she smiled and I saw her little dimples that she no doubt inherited from me.

"Melody...." I said Kate looked up at me

"Melody Melissa Reinhart" I said Kate knew Melissa was my mothers name which is why she smiled so sadly at me I then looked down at Kate with a smile "Mel for short" Said Kate.

"I love it" I said before I leaned down and kissed her forehead, just as we were having a moment I heard the doctor say something bringing us out of it. "You have visitors wanting to see you Alpha should I allow them in?" Asked the doctor, I had completely forgot that everyone was waiting to meet Mel I just looked at her adorable little face and it was like everything stopped. "Let them in" I said the doctor nodded and left the room and a few minutes later Dean, Lin, Selena and her mate Liza, along with Jason, Isaac and Paris all came into the room. Goddess I'm so glad I had the doctors reserve a big room for when Kate gives birth.

"Is that my grand baby?!" Said Lin as she squealed with excitement walking over to Kate I moved out of the way so Dean and Lin could have some time with their daughter and newly born granddaughter.

"See what did I tell you, I knew she was a little girl" said Dean to Kate which made her chuckle I felt a warmth spread throughout my heart just watching them.

Just then Selena came over and hugged me "Congratulations Sky" she said as she pulled away I smiled. "Yeah she looks just like you and Kate what's her name?" Asked Liza.

"Her name is Melody Melissa Reinhart" I said. "Aw that's so cute" said Paris. I smiled and looked over at Kate who was watching her parents as they held our daughter she caught my eye and smiled, "I love you" I mouthed silently to her. "I love you more" she mouthed back silently.


3 weeks later:

I was sitting in my office after just having had a long conversation with Paris and Selena, since their my betas I had them move into the house with us along with Jason because he wanted to be where his mate and boyfriend Issac was.

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