Chapter 39

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Unknown POV:

I cleaned my dagger walking slowly towards the basement cells where I was keeping my prisoner, he was chained up with his hands above his head and his feet to the ground as his head hung low which could make you easily mistake him for dead already.....but I knew better. As soon as I opened the cell door he lifted his head to look at me, "You" he said weakly in a disgusted tone as he then yanked on his restraints as a last desperate attempt to get at me. I chuckled as I stood in front of him not too close because I knew even in this weakend state this man was still dangerous and would rip me apart given the chance.

"Oh come now, don't be like that I thought you loved our little sessions" I said. He spit on the ground at my feet in response nearly hitting me but couldn't quite get it to go that far. "When I get out of here I'm going to kill you for what you did to my mate and what you did to my pack" he growled. Of course he'd still hold onto the delusional belief that he'll be getting out of here any time soon.

I chuckled at his delusions, "Goodness it's Impressive really....that I haven't broken you completely yet, your a stubborn one my friend even after being here for 19 years" I said. "FUCK YOU!" He yelled, "Thanks for the offer but that would be unsightly considering certain........factors" I said with a teasing smirk. That seem to only further piss him off, I sighed "You my friend are running out of power for me to steal which means you are becoming useless to me so now I have to grab myself another source" I said. He stared up at me with a glare that could kill if it had the power to, "Ah I see I've gotten your attention now, do you know who my new source is going to be?" I asked but got no answer as he continued to try and kill me with his deadly stare. "I'll give you a hint, light brown curly hair, striking blue eyes much like your own" his eyes went wide with realization as he looked at me, then that look of shock turned into a look of anger "You touch her and I'll kill you" he said his words dripping with venom and anger. I knew he meant what he said which is why I'll never give him the opportunity to break free, once I drain the last bit of his power and take the power from that idiot little girl I'm going to use it to kill him.

He'll get what he deserves after what he did to me...what he took from me. I will repay him back for it all by any means necessary, he'll have nothing left when I'm done....I'll make sure of it.

"Your not going to do anything, you won't even be able to lift an ant let alone smash it once I'm done with you" I said with a grin. "We'll see about that, when I get me hands on you you'll wish you never met me" he growled "Oh my friend, have you forgotten what you took from me?.....I already wish I never met you" I growled back before turning to leave, as I left the cell and shut and locked the large heavy metal door I heard him yelling angrily at me.

I shook my head, with a satisfied grin on my face.

I made my way out of the basement and up to the room where I was housing that useless woman's child. I opened the door and walked inside, the little one immediately looked up at me with her big greenish blue eyes that fit her perfectly, matching her dark hair that was pulled into two pigtails. She reached out to me with her little chubby hands and I smiled before bending down where she was playing with some toys on a playmate.

She smiled as well and tried to offer me one of her dolls, I sighed and took it "Oh you poor sweet innocent child, blissfully unaware of what's to become of you if your mother do no deliver what I asked of her" I said but she didn't understand a word I was saying. I reached out and touched her chubby cheeks.

I will get my revenge........even at the cost of an innocent life. I will take what belongs to me and give back the cards that was dealt to me so that they may be reshuffled.

Nothing will stand in my way....not even this cute innocent little girl.

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