Chapter 43

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Skyler Reinhart POV/:

I looked back in my hands at the pregnancy test before finally flipping it over,
only to see that It had one line. Kate celebrated beside me with the biggest smile on her face while I just stood there staring at the negative test in my hand. I know I should be happy as well......but I wasn't, "Yes! Thank you goddess" said Kate happily.

I kept staring down at the test feeling as though all my dreams had been ripped away, why am I so torn up right now? Why am I not celebrating with Kate.

Kate then grabbed my face pulling it away from looking at the test and kissed my cheek "Thank you for not impregnating me that would've been a disaster, I couldn't even imagine that" said Kate with a chuckle. Those words made my heart sting does she truly hate the thought of having a baby with me that much?, I gently removed Kate's hands from my face, even in anger I didn't want to hurt her. She looked confused as she looked at me "What? what's wrong?" She asked but I ignored her question as I made my way out of the bathroom, Kate followed after me calling my name as I walked downstairs, "Sky" she called out again I sighed and stopped walking "I need to go back to my pack and finish something, you should go pack your things" I said not even turning to face her or giving her time to respond as I then left out of the door and went straight to my car before getting in and speeding off.
Kaitlyn Night POV/:

What the fuck just happened? She should be happy that I'm not carrying a child so why did she look so gloomy and sad?. I turned around to see Anna sitting on the couch looking at me confused "So?, what happened did it come back positive?" She asked I huffed and walked over to her before sitting down on the couch as well.

"No it was negative" I said " and Sky don't seem too happy" she pointed out "I'm not happy because she's not happy and I don't understand why she's not happy" I said Anna made a thinking face before looking at me. "Ok tell me what happened starting from the beginning" she said and I did just that I told her everything that happened just moments ago before Skyler left.

After I was done Anna just shook her head at me "What's that look for?" I Asked, she's looking at me the way I look at Danny when he does or say something completely stupid.

"Kate dear you made it sound like getting pregnant by Sky would've been the worst thing ever" she said I looked at her confused "What?, no I didn't" I said "Thank you for not impregnating me that would've been a disaster, I couldn't even imagine that" Anna said repeating what I said to Sky. My eyes went wide with realization I then slapped a hand on my forehead before running it down my face "Oh my goddess I didn't mean it like that, plus it's not like I said I never want kids" I said Anna looked at me "You never said you did either" said Anna making a good point. I sighed and slumped back on the couch "I hurt her feelings didn't I" I said Anna nodded "Yes" she replied.

I had no idea that she took what I said the wrong way, I mean I was just so happy and glad I wasn't pregnant I guess I didn't pay much attention to my words.

"I should've listened to mom when she said have the child talk with Sky" I said regretting being hard headed. "Speaking of mom and dad where are they?" I asked "Danny said they were supposed to be back but apparently the Alpha of another pack is trying to claim our surroundings woods and neither Danny or dad is too happy about that" she said popping a grape with peanut butter on it in her mouth.

"Yeah I bet, I just hope they're ok" I replied before looking down at Annas belly "Can I ask you a question?" I said she shrugged "You know I don't mind, ask me anything" she said "Did you freak out when you found out you were pregnant?" I asked she chuckled and shook her head no "I was more excited then anything, the thought of having a baby with the man I love made me happy, even now I'm struggling not to tell him yet because we have one more week before he becomes Alpha and I can finally surprise him with the news" she said I smiled a little before letting out a sigh, so I really am an asshole.

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